I am a one man show and I am looking to expand for next year. Do any of you have any suggestion on how to expand? I think that I have tried everything such as advertising in local papers, postcards, mailers to new home owners and nothing seems to work. The drawback and challange that I face is that I work out of a home office and the county does not allow any signs to be posted. Have any of you had a similar sitution and if so how have you handled and succeed at you business.
I am located in a large town in Nothern CA and it seems that people out here are more comfortable with the big companies instead of the small indpendant guys. It has been a challange for us and slowly we build up every year but I am not close to where I want to be right now. Any suggestions or commets are greatly appriciated.
I am located in a large town in Nothern CA and it seems that people out here are more comfortable with the big companies instead of the small indpendant guys. It has been a challange for us and slowly we build up every year but I am not close to where I want to be right now. Any suggestions or commets are greatly appriciated.