At some point my Dad bought Southern Company Stock. In 01 Southern spun off Murant Corp. In 06 Murant spun off two of its units. They gave him whole numbers of shares in the new units and $10 in one case and $8 in the other instead of fractional shares. His end of year broker's statement shows basis and losses on the fractional shares. I know that it hardly matters to his return what we do with $18 of income, but he and I both like to handle things in the technically correct way.
First, can we reasonably rely on the broker's statement for basis and proceeds?
Second, what do we put for the date of purchase? Would it be the date he purchased Southern, the date, Murant spun off, or the date of the spin-off from Murant?
First, can we reasonably rely on the broker's statement for basis and proceeds?
Second, what do we put for the date of purchase? Would it be the date he purchased Southern, the date, Murant spun off, or the date of the spin-off from Murant?