You'll have to dig deep to beat this one.
Customer in Alabama makes a ton of money but spends it all. Owes half the state. And last year owed IRS $3500 when I filed their return, with no way to pay it. Certainly not a good candidate for E-file, as the guillotine falls on April 15th for the money.
BUT, they had a $400 refund from the State of Alabama, and wanted to get this money to help pay Uncle Sam. It was March 10th, and customer comes forward with a brilliant idea. Why not E-file Alabama, and just paper-file IRS?
Here is the problem. You can't do it. At least I can't. My software has to "piggyback" a state E-file as part of the Federal E-file, and many states are set up to receive E-files only in "piggyback" fashion. So this brilliant solution is hatched on March 14th, and customer keeps his fingers crossed that he will receive Alabama's $400 refund BEFORE the Feds
suck $3500 out of his bank account (and probably bounce the payment).
Risky? You bet. Most of you are thinking this SHOULD work, and that customer will survive the scare.
But here is the "rest of the story." Most of you don't know Alabama. When there's not enough money in their Treasury, they won't pay ANYONE. They sequester funds, and I remember more than one year they held ALL tax refunds until August or September. Of course, I tell my clients to NEVER manage their withholdings/estimated payments such that they will have a refund from Alabama. Former Governor Fob (sic) James and others have made statements like "You didn't approve my tax increase, so y'all can just wait on your money until we have it." Statements like this from politicians in any state should prompt anyone with half a brain to claim 99 dependents, and NEVER have a state refund.
Here's the question: How do you think my customers came out on this brilliant idea?
(Note: I don't know the answer, as I haven't heard from them since last tax season, and I'm very much anxious to hear how it all turned out) In particular, would love to hear from any Alabama preparers if there are any out there on the board.
Customer in Alabama makes a ton of money but spends it all. Owes half the state. And last year owed IRS $3500 when I filed their return, with no way to pay it. Certainly not a good candidate for E-file, as the guillotine falls on April 15th for the money.
BUT, they had a $400 refund from the State of Alabama, and wanted to get this money to help pay Uncle Sam. It was March 10th, and customer comes forward with a brilliant idea. Why not E-file Alabama, and just paper-file IRS?
Here is the problem. You can't do it. At least I can't. My software has to "piggyback" a state E-file as part of the Federal E-file, and many states are set up to receive E-files only in "piggyback" fashion. So this brilliant solution is hatched on March 14th, and customer keeps his fingers crossed that he will receive Alabama's $400 refund BEFORE the Feds
suck $3500 out of his bank account (and probably bounce the payment).
Risky? You bet. Most of you are thinking this SHOULD work, and that customer will survive the scare.
But here is the "rest of the story." Most of you don't know Alabama. When there's not enough money in their Treasury, they won't pay ANYONE. They sequester funds, and I remember more than one year they held ALL tax refunds until August or September. Of course, I tell my clients to NEVER manage their withholdings/estimated payments such that they will have a refund from Alabama. Former Governor Fob (sic) James and others have made statements like "You didn't approve my tax increase, so y'all can just wait on your money until we have it." Statements like this from politicians in any state should prompt anyone with half a brain to claim 99 dependents, and NEVER have a state refund.
Here's the question: How do you think my customers came out on this brilliant idea?
(Note: I don't know the answer, as I haven't heard from them since last tax season, and I'm very much anxious to hear how it all turned out) In particular, would love to hear from any Alabama preparers if there are any out there on the board.