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Does a CA return need to be filed?

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    Does a CA return need to be filed?

    I have a retired couple who sold their home in CA and moved to MN in May of '06. The husband later died in July of '06. They purchased the MN home back in '05. Their sources of income are around $700 in interest income, around $11,000 in pensions and around $14,000 in SS benefits (none of which was taxable), resulting in a total income of 11,700. After their itemized deductions and such they are at a taxable income of $0. They did not pay any federal or state tax. Therefore they are not receiving any sort of refund. But they do qualify for the telephone credit of $40.

    I have never done a CA return before and am not sure how it works, but they did pay property taxes on their MN home and CA home in '06; and I am applying for the MN Property Tax Refund for them. Does CA have something similiar? Would it be worth the work to get a small refund, if it means filing all these forms? Can the CA return be skipped and just file the MN return? I am totally uncertain about the rules here. Thanks for any direction you can give me.

    Can the CA

    >>Can the CA return be skipped<<

    Assuming that any gain from the sale of their home was excluded under Section 121, their income is below the filing requirement. California does not have a comparable refund for property taxes.


      Thanks Jainen

      The home sale exclusion does apply. Appreciate your help!

