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WebCD update???

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    WebCD update???

    Has anyone received a WebCD update??

    I have never received any updates that I am aware of and by right click on the little icon in the windows system tray, selecting "Show Status", I get this error message.

    Originally posted by Results of Show Status
    Time: 03/22/07 8:52:07 AM
    Checking library "TheTaxBook WebCD" for update...
    The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    The root element is missing.

    Got the same thing. I will contact tech support at TTB and send them the report.


      Me too

      I get the same thing too. Hmmmm....
      That's all I have to say ... for now.

      Moses A.
      Enrolled Agent


        I had....

        .... a simular problem and I just reinstalled from the CD. The CD will remove the problem one and install it again. Took all of 3 minutes.
        This post is for discussion purposes only and should be verified with other sources before actual use.

        Many times I post additional info on the post, Click on "message board" for updated content.


          Didn't know the message board was for customer service

          Post deleted
          Last edited by Brad Imsdahl; 03-23-2007, 11:14 AM.


            Oh Oh

            I Usually Just Read

            You don't know what you have done do you?


              Originally posted by I Usually Just Read View Post
              I'm not sure why a select few, mostly OldJack, feels that the message board is a place to post customer service issues.
              You obviously had trouble reading the original post as it was asking "Has anyone received a WebCD update?? " Here's hoping your reading skills improve.

              There was nothing asked for or about customer service nor was I complaining about anything. If I didn't know better I would think that this poster was a TheTaxBook employee complaining and hiding his identity with a new fictitious name.


                Sorry OldJack for the new poster.

                Let me remind everyone that insulting other posters will not be tolerated on this message board. If you have a complaint, use the contact us link.

