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Sales tax deduction

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    Sales tax deduction

    Hadn't paid much attention to this at all except I'd glanced at an IRS pub a tad once and concluded (in error) that they'd wouldn't let you take off the county and local tax on cars when adding additional stuff on to the state tax chart.

    Anyway, I claimed it the other day for a client who pointed out that his last year's state income tax paid was small and, besides, he'd bought a new car in '06. He saved about $250 and was tickled about it. I was surprised that it saved him that much -- I was also a bit embarrassed that a client had suggested it to me instead of me suggesting it to him. The point being, that we shouldn't automatically dismiss the stuff outside our normal ruts just because IRS usually puts out such piddlin' little credits with much fanfare (i.e., the res energy credit/ telephone excise tax credit, etc.).

    So anyway, I'm renewing my New Year's vows to sin no more (taxwise only--I'm not throwin' in the towel yet on Mrs. Biltmore).

    sales tax

    Every return do, I compare the sales tax against the state tax to see which is the best way to go for the client. I have also had two or three client who purchased new cars this year and that worked out well with the sales tax.


      another surprise

      By the way Black Bart, I found out something else that I should have know years ago.
      In the years past when I have had clients with rentals and those who also itemize, I never thought much about the decision to put the mortgage intrest on schedule A or put it on the schedule E as rental expense. I figured , well they are going to get the deduction one way or the other. Well the other day, I had a little extra time on my hands and so I did it both ways just to see and I was amazed to find how much better off the client was if I took the mortgage intrest off the schedule E instead of using it as an itemized deduction.

      Now for the problem. Sometimes if you put the mortgage intrest on the schedule E, the client is not able to itemize, and I charge more for itemizing. So I came to the conclusion that since I took the trouble to figure out the best way for the client to go and did the work in the process, I charged him accordingly.


        [, I never thought much about the decision to put the mortgage intrest on schedule A or put it on the schedule E as rental expense. I figured , well they are going to get the deduction one way or the other.

        Ken, why would you want to put the mtg interest paid on a rental on sch A. Rental is considered a business and it has to go on Sch E.

        Everybody should pay his income tax with a smile. I tried it, but they wanted cash


          Arizona Ken

          And my take on those comments is: How often do you think I should water my cactus?

