Client is a low-income single Mom, head of household. Has not filed in years. Not W2s or 1099s. This was the first year that she received a 1099 for a while.
My plan:
File her 2003 tax return late before 4-17-07. Estimate her modest income from bar tending and report it on her 1040. This should get her an Earned income credit. It should make me look good. No tax will be owed so no penalty for filing late.
Am I correct to think that the IRS wouldn't have a problem with this as long as my estimate of her income is reasonable? (the woman is not wealthy. I have no reason to think she's hiding income. She's never mentioned trying to get a refund from her 2003 1040. this is entirely my idea)
Again, sincere thanks to everyone who has shared their professional opinions with me.
My plan:
File her 2003 tax return late before 4-17-07. Estimate her modest income from bar tending and report it on her 1040. This should get her an Earned income credit. It should make me look good. No tax will be owed so no penalty for filing late.
Am I correct to think that the IRS wouldn't have a problem with this as long as my estimate of her income is reasonable? (the woman is not wealthy. I have no reason to think she's hiding income. She's never mentioned trying to get a refund from her 2003 1040. this is entirely my idea)
Again, sincere thanks to everyone who has shared their professional opinions with me.