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What's up with the calendar

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    What's up with the calendar

    on the message board? It's stuck in 2006.


    be your computer. Mine's up-to-date. Click on the toolbar at bottom of screen and see what it says (or I guess you could just read the clock on the wall -- mine's got the date and also whistles Dixie).

    Sorry for the "no-replies." You have to be a tad arcane to get a rise out of the technicians here.

    P.S. About your trailer, footnote, whatchamacallit at the end of your post -- this is to advise you that jainen lives in California and not in Washington, D.C.
    Last edited by Black Bart; 03-16-2007, 04:57 AM.


      my computer clock is

      fine. It only cost us $65 to have the IT guy come fix our server thanks to George Bush messing with daylight savings time. I would like to sit down with that guy and 'splain some things to him.

      Anyhow I was referring to the calendar on TTB message board. It is stuck on Dec 2006. If you have put your bday in the user cp it will display on the calendar.



        What Calendar?
        Jiggers, EA


          Look at the top of the page in the black area



            Originally posted by veritas View Post
            Look at the top of the page in the black area
            That calendar. I'm like Jiggers; I didn't know it existed -- thought you were talking about the one on the red line above each post. Ignorance is bliss, I guess, 'cause I didn't even know we had a problem.

            I have had some in the past about the time of day being off several hours from mine on the posts, though. How does TTB handle that for the different time zones, I wonder? I'm in Central and it's now usually always correct for me -- can't speak for you furriners way out West. Does the time show up as right for your zone on the posts you read there?


              That Calendar!!!!

              Ding, I see said the blind man as he ran into the wall.

              Surely someone at The TaxBook has seen this. Especially this late in the filing year.
              Jiggers, EA

