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    The recent thread posted by Jesse brings up some questions for me.

    First I was ignorant not knowing that you need to keep POA if one spouse signs for the other, however, I never had that situation yet.

    Is this true for all POA signatures? So, if son has POA for father, do I need to have a copy of POA on file?


    Not a specific answer to your question, but if you read the 8453 instructions it states: "A Form 8453 signed by an agent must have a power of attorney attached that specifically authorizes the agent to sign the retun, or request for a refund".

    The POA I have has a paragraph that states "My agent may make and sign tax returns; represent me in all income tax matters before any federal, state, or local tax collecting agency; and receive confidential information and perform any acts that I may perform, including receiving refund checks and the signing of returns."

    I kept a copy for my files, but filed with a PIN number, which now I think is incorrect.



      Originally posted by Gabriele View Post
      The recent thread posted by Jesse brings up some questions for me.

      First I was ignorant not knowing that you need to keep POA if one spouse signs for the other, however, I never had that situation yet.

      Is this true for all POA signatures? So, if son has POA for father, do I need to have a copy of POA on file?

      You should definetly keep a copy of the POA with the return, if for no other reason than to CYA. You never know what will transpire and at some point in the furure you may need to prove that the person who signed the return did actually have the legal authority to do so.
      That's all I have to say ... for now.

      Moses A.
      Enrolled Agent



        F2848 has a check mark that must be marked before you, the preparer, can receive refunds for the clients.
        I only use POA's to obtain info needed to complete the client's return or settle a taxing authority issue. I never, nor would I ever sign a tax return or any other document for a client. And yes anytime someone else signs for anyone on any legal document a POA signed by the "anyone" should be included or I would think the "someone else for" signature would not be legally binding. taxea
        Believe nothing you have not personally researched and verified.

