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tax prep by church?

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    tax prep by church?

    Client recommended me to his daughter. Which is nice, thanks.

    But as i'm preparing she mentioned that the church prepared it last year. I'm wondering why she didn't take her simple return to the church again? She doesn't need a skilled preparer.

    I'll gladly take any business away from H&R. But if someone can get thier return done for free by the church I'd recomend that they continue doing so.

    I guess the obvious solution is for me to call the church and ask them what services they'll provide and for whom. That way i'll better know who's truly better off with me.


    This sounds like a VITA program. You can find on most military installations, some communities will have something setup in the local library or a booth in the Mall.
    That's all I have to say ... for now.

    Moses A.
    Enrolled Agent


      Church/VITA prepared returns

      Originally posted by GIMoe View Post
      This sounds like a VITA program. You can find on most military installations, some communities will have something setup in the local library or a booth in the Mall.
      I love them when the client brings in the prior year return or IRS CP2000 by a church/VITA prepared return. Lots of fees.

      People with more than a W-2 & little interest shouldn't be going there. I have seen C's, E's, F's, 4562's, 4797's prepared by these folks and most are incorrect.

      Taxpayers get greedy, thinking they can get their return done free by these folks. In the long run they have to pay!
      Jiggers, EA


        Thanks Jiggers,

        That's pretty much what i had suspected. (i didn't know that a VITA outfit would even attempt a shedule C)



          Originally posted by Skate1968 View Post
          Thanks Jiggers,

          (i didn't know that a VITA outfit would even attempt a shedule C)
          Most are setup to only do the simple returns, but you will find some, especially on military bases, that will delve into more complicated returns. Scary thought since there is no liability there for the VITA reps, so it is really just the luck of the draw as to wether you get a decent one or not.
          That's all I have to say ... for now.

          Moses A.
          Enrolled Agent


            fREE return preparation

            I got start with AARP Tax Program for the Elderly. They do mostly simple returns for seniors. It's luck of the draw as to who you get. Often you have to wait 2 or 3 hours in line. It's good program but as you say some venture into difficult returns that they dont have the training for. I dont attempt to attract these people as clients as they want something for nothing.


              AARP actively discourages preparation of complex returns

              I'm an AARP/TCE instructor. We discourage our preparers from attempting to work on any form that isn't in the official course list of acceptible forms. That means no schedule C, E, F, 4562, etc. C-EZ is permitted. The message is that if you prepare a form that you are not authorized to prepare, you may be personally liable for the errors. (I don't really think that's true, but it seems to work.) Areas that TCE/VITA are allowed to cover are listed at,00.html


                Personally, I don't care for the free programs (vita or otherwise). I believe theIRS and the various states should pay those of us who fall under the cir 230 rules to accurately prepare the returns of those who can't afford to pay us themselves. Something similar to "if you can't afford an attorney, then one will be appointed to you".
                Dave, EA


                  Interesting thought...

                  Originally posted by dsi View Post
                  I believe theIRS and the various states should pay those of us who fall under the cir 230 rules to accurately prepare the returns of those who can't afford to pay us themselves. Something similar to "if you can't afford an attorney, then one will be appointed to you".
                  Now there is an interesting, in a way, it would be like we were paying ourselves. Preparers could put a sign to advertise in front of their place of business: "YOUR TAX DOLLARS HARD AT WORK....GOVERNMENT PAID RETURNS DONE HERE....."

                  All kidding aside, that is a very interesting thought, I mean I am all for getting paid for the work that I do. But, do we really need another government program, spending more of our tax dollars?

                  Truth be told, VITA/TCE is not a completely bad thing, if it is setup and managed correctly. I got my start in VITA where I quickly realized that I had a certain 'knack' for this and put in the additional time and energy required to become a paid preparer. Even as a paid preparer, during my last couple years in the military, I still volunteered in the VITA program. I guess I looked at it as a way of 'giving something back...' and helping out my fellow military members.
                  That's all I have to say ... for now.

                  Moses A.
                  Enrolled Agent


                    Originally posted by dsi View Post
                    Personally, I don't care for the free programs (vita or otherwise). I believe theIRS and the various states should pay those of us who fall under the cir 230 rules to accurately prepare the returns of those who can't afford to pay us themselves. Something similar to "if you can't afford an attorney, then one will be appointed to you".
                    A former governor of Illinois may not agree with you.

                    Some legal firms and attorneys provide "pro bono public" services to provide legal services to those who can not afford it. Law schools also provide legal and tax clinics.

                    EA's are provided some incentive to assist in the free tax clinics. Unfortunately there are some taxpayers that should and can afford to pay for tax services want it for free. Maybe the IRS should send out a tax bill and if you do not agree with it, then you file a return.
                    Last edited by gkaiseril; 03-01-2007, 11:35 AM. Reason: Former governor


                      " for nothing..."

                      Originally posted by gkaiseril View Post
                      Unfortunately there are some taxpayers that should and can afford to pay for tax services want it for free.
                      How does that song go (I know I am dating myself here), "Get your money for nothing, and your chicks for free."

                      There will always be those who want something for nothing
                      That's all I have to say ... for now.

                      Moses A.
                      Enrolled Agent


                        This is kind of funny because as i'm reading this i'm remembering that i was in a VITA program that my college offered to locals.

                        Anyway, someone called me this morining offering me her business. She said she'd rather give it to me than H&R. Which is just fine becuase i'll gladly take it and charge lesss.


                          Government Paid Returns

                          This is an interesting thought. But all we need is another government bureaucy added to the already bulging government. That is my major concern with this proposal.


                            Originally posted by gkaiseril View Post
                            A former governor of Illinois may not agree with you.

                            Some legal firms and attorneys provide "pro bono public" services to provide legal services to those who can not afford it. Law schools also provide legal and tax clinics.

                            EA's are provided some incentive to assist in the free tax clinics. Unfortunately there are some taxpayers that should and can afford to pay for tax services want it for free. Maybe the IRS should send out a tax bill and if you do not agree with it, then you file a return.
                            Isn't a former IL governor in jail? Or, am I mistaken? seems many former politician's are finding their way to a place they belong...


                              Instead of a VITA program, the government should simply repeal the personal income tax laws and not make the public go thru such mental anguish as the unfair tax and welfare program. The IRS would need less employees and tax preparers could then do business returns that pay more than the nickel and dime personal tax returns.

