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Old School Chum

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    Old School Chum

    Ran into a guy I went to high school with at the store yesterday. Hasn't changed a bit -- still the pompous, obnoxious, blowhard (it's hard to describe him without cussin') that he was in school. He was holding forth at length to another former clasmate about the soaringly delightful logistics of the operation performed upon his noble personage by a world-class surgeon at the Mayo Clinic, his subsequent splendid recovery, and the magnificent accommodations he afforded himself during his "ordeal" -- chartered flight, limousine pickup at the airport, a suite at whatever's more upscale than the Hilton, prearrangements by "one of my employees, blah, blah, blah." Cost-upwards of $250K (not including the previously-mentioned items). Our mutual friend (factory retiree--meager pension) who needs similar work -- out of the question, of course -- was just standing there, listening; subdued into silence.

    Only problem, it's probably all true; he's become -- if not filthy, then very scruffily -- rich; climbing to a low upper rung of a conglomerate's corporate ladder while acquiring a few thousand acres of land in the process. I can't imagine how he got there. They say you have to know somebody, but anybody who does would furnish the rope and pay all expenses to hang him (not much question but pallbearers will have to be hired). The complete final entourage will be his wife (maybe), the preacher, and the gravediggers. The other relatives don't speak -- their uneducated deceased father left entire estate in his name with the informal unwritten understanding he'd distribute it proportionately. He kept it all.

    Now...what was I complaining about? Oh, nothin' I just seems that "life ain't fair" what? The "pore boy" doesn't get any operation and his wife's seriously ill with no insurance. Them's the breaks. Trudge on, I suppose; what else can we do?

    a different meaning

    >>what else can we do?<<

    He might be lying. Pompous, obnoxious, blowhards lie about a lot of things. Except for the medical details, his story sounds like the kind of stuff I myself dish out whenever I run into an old school chum.

    By the way, since many of your posts have a lexiconological angle, have you looked up chum in the dictionary? Out here by the ocean it has a different meaning.


      I have to wonder

      what is missing in the man's life that causes such an obnoxious attitude?


        Originally posted by jainen View Post
        He might be lying... wasn't...that's the problem. It wouldn't bother me if I pretty well knew it wasn't the truth. Chuckle-chuckle, though -- just thought of something character-illustrative that he once said. I saw him a few years after college and asked what he was doing. He said (in all seriousness) he almost joined the Peace Corps until he found out what the pay was.

        a lexiconological angle
        I swear I've never done any such anglin' in my life. Still, since you seem to have at least heard of some of these weird goings-on (I know you came up with ad hominem first even though Veritas explained it further), do you happen to know what uh-checkers was talking about when he was doing that penultimatin'? Is it against the law?
        Last edited by Black Bart; 02-25-2007, 03:15 PM.


          What's missing?

          Originally posted by veritas View Post
          what is missing in the man's life that causes such an obnoxious attitude?
          Friends, maybe. Another client was in the office just yesterday and that guy's name came up. This client said, and I quote "He hasn't got a friend in the entire county."


            one of the others

            >>Is it against the law?<<

            I don't think it's against the law. Least not in Santa Cruz, maybe down your way. There's only a few things that are illegal here, mostly nuclear weapons, Boy Scouts, and enforcement of the federal laws against marijuana. I try to be a good citizen, but I confess I have violated at least one of those. Not the last one, which I can't figure out what it means, but one of the others.

