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Mad tax preparer

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    >>jainen (he's very sensitive)<<

    Who's gettin' personal NOW? Oh well, I can't complain if it's true (even if it's a euphensim for something that's true) and if ain't true, then it wouldn't be personal after all.

    I don't even know why you mention me, when there's this lovely new southern belle to woo (in a general, non-personal way).

    Hey Dixie, what do you think about the Battle Hymn of the Republic? We're very big on the Grapes of Wrath thing out here in Steinbeck country, but would you pay a dollar to hear Black Bart singing it in the -- oh, never mind. That's too personal.


      I apologize to you, jainen.

      Originally posted by jainen View Post
      Who's gettin' personal NOW? Oh well, I can't complain if it's true (even if it's a euphensim for something that's true) and if ain't true, then it wouldn't be personal after all. I don't even know why you mention me, when there's this lovely new southern belle to woo (in a general, non-personal way)...Hey Dixie, what do you think about the Battle Hymn of the Republic? We're very big on the Grapes of Wrath thing out here in Steinbeck country, but would you pay a dollar to hear Black Bart singing it in the -- oh, never mind. That's too personal.
      There! How's that? I knew it was too quick to start pickin' at you so soon after that free-for-all, but I just couldn't resist. Still, I should have (a person can't just go givin' in to his baser instincts or the first thing you know, you'll have gone and signed up for food stam...). Oh, dang! I just did it again -- I'm quittin' while I'm behind.

      Okay, I'm sort of on your side anyway. I'll think of something good to say about you and bad to say about Davey. There's so many of 'em -- Davc, DaveO, and just plain Dave -- that I'm not sure who I'm talking about, but I once got into it with one of the Daves over my writing off casino losses for clients who don't jot them down (I haven't seen a scratch pad at Tunica yet). Anyway, he probably remembers where I went wrong.

      Now; to whom it may concern: jainen gives out good, solid, expert tax advice on this board here while I dish out cornpone and not much else.

      I've got mixed feelings about the EIC stuff. I see some real low-lifes (mostly RALers -- I've got about 25) outrageously and flagrantly abusing the system (IRS estimates 32% of claims are "erroneous") and I write about them because their stories are usually more entertaining than the "nice" people who need and get it (remember Montana tax preparer Gabrielle who once said she really needed it as a new arrival from Germany -- you'd have to look far and wide for a better, more deserving person). This is "pore-folks" country so to speak and salaries are low, so EIC is very common, but most of my clients are good and decent people (working-poor and middle-class I guess IRS would classify them). About half are ordinary factory/farm wage-earners and the other half are small Cs, Es, and fairly well-off (for here) retirees/landlords. They aren''t crooks and don't try to "rig" results; they just accept what the system says they are due and I believe they generally tell me the truth about their family situations (although, in all fairness to the raffish oaf of my previous post, I don't see what difference relationship makes if he supported those kids).

      Social engineering? I don't know -- maybe/maybe not. Some aspects of it are bad: a false sense of entitlement, price-gouging by providers, and the reinforcement of victimhood status. I think everybody should pay some tax, even if only $5, to foster a self-image of "contributor" rather than "taker" -- I just hate it when politicians pat themselves on the back for taking another 50,000 or so people off the tax rolls because they're "poor," reinforcing the notion that those people "can't cut it" and "allowances" have to be made for them.

      On the plus side, it seems to me that even though the parents may be some of the lousiest people around, or if they blow the entire EIC proceeds on, say, a car; then at least their kids will have a safe and decent ride to school and may later dream of doing better to get better things for themselves. A trickle-down effect, hopefully.

      "If Hitler invaded Hell, then I would think of something good to say about the Devil." -- WINSTON CHURCHILL (on being apprised of Hitler's invasion of Poland).


        Tryin' to get

        some credit for my apology.

        Interesting info in today's ASPA monthly newsletter:

        "The IRS is auditing less deeply, but more broadly. It's changing its philsophy away from collecting every last dime in an audit to collecting 80% of what might be available in a a greater number of audits. A top IRS official recently explained that the IRS typically can collect 80% of the tax recoverable in an audit within the first 20% of the time it would take to collect the whole amount. So, it is most cost-efficient for the IRS to be satisfied with the 80% while using the saved time to conduct a larger number of audits. Two extra benefits: (1) the less intensive audits avoid annoying taxpayers, while (2) the larger number of audits deters tax cheating due to increased risk of being audited."

        Is that Everson smart or what? I wish they'd replace him with a typical, inefficient, and comatose bureacrat like is normal again.


          vote of confidence

          >>jainen gives out good, solid, expert tax advice on this board here<<

          Thanks for the vote of confidence, Black Bart. I didn't really need an apology. I knew that in calling me "sensitive," although it was a personal comment unrelated to the tax code, you meant it in a helpful sort of spirit. Still, there are way too many ad hominem comments on this board so I accept your apology on that level.


            I don't think I ever had one

            of those ad hominimins things or whatever? Are they good for you? Sounds like greek to me.


              Just a

              Originally posted by veritas View Post
              of those ad hominimins things or whatever? Are they good for you? Sounds like greek to me.
              personal opinion boys, but this a family-type board and I don't really think we should be talkin' about any sexual stuff here.

