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WebCD not working offline

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    WebCD not working offline

    After canceling one of my ISP's (due to constant script errors), and sticking with AOL, I now find that my WebCD will not open offline again, but will work when I log-on to the internet. Could someone from TMI call me to get this thing working again?

    edit: Please ignore as I figured out how to configure the thing myself and it is now working. Thanks.
    Last edited by OldJack; 02-09-2007, 10:29 AM.

    OldJack, in the future, if you have problems with your WebCD, please call our Toll Free number at 866-919-5277 and ask for technical support. They will be happy to help you with technical issues. The purpose of this message board is for you and I to argue about taxes. I'm not a computer programer or technical support person, so I can't help you when AOL gives you problems.
    Last edited by Brad Imsdahl; 02-09-2007, 10:36 AM.


      Thank you for the reply Brad.

      Before this post I thought about calling the number you mentioned, but you should note that nowhere on your website is there a number designated as "tech support". In fact I can't find any mention of the word tech support let along a number. And the last thing I wanted to do was call a number where some computer looped me through a thousand menus.

      BTW, my AOL works just fine, its only your WebCD that doesn't always work with AOL. All other programs (and programs producing and running htm pages) that I have work just fine with AOL so the mystery remains as to why yours should have a problem?

      In the future I will try not to post messages that you dislike.



        hey I quess I have a problem? Why is it I go directly to the internet when I clic on the Web CD icon? How do I set the program to not access the internet unless I want it to? Ihave Comcast Cable as my ISP provider



          Originally posted by OldJack View Post
          In the future I will try not to post messages that you dislike.
          If I disliked your posts, OldJack, I would delete them. I will state the obvious once again. I am sorry but I can't help you with tech support. I'm not a computer guy. The WebCD works perfectly fine on my computer. If you want help with tech problems, call tech support which BTW is listed on the mailer that your CD came in.


            The cd

            Okay, since I'm thinking about trying this next year, I need to know this:

            Is web access required for the cd to even work?

            or will it function just fine as a standalone?
            Harlan Lunsford, EA n LA


              Originally posted by ChEAr$ View Post
              Is web access required for the cd to even work?

              or will it function just fine as a standalone?

              It works as a standalone, however, any updates to the program are done via the web. So if you want it to update itself for new tax laws and the latest versions of IRS Pubs, Forms, and Instructions, you need access to the web.

