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    E-File clients return yesterday.Client called today with mortgage interest they forgot to give me.I am amending 06 tax return but client owes and was going to wait until April to pay.They owe 1099 but now owe 849.Can the amended be sent in in April with the check for 849 or would they have to send in the 1099 then send in the amended return to get the 250 refund. Haven't had this situtation with amending before the tax payment was made.

    1040 X

    They will have to pay the 1099 then file the amended return.


      Originally posted by Donanita View Post
      E-File clients return yesterday.Client called today with mortgage interest they forgot to give me.I am amending 06 tax return but client owes and was going to wait until April to pay.They owe 1099 but now owe 849.Can the amended be sent in in April with the check for 849 or would they have to send in the 1099 then send in the amended return to get the 250 refund. Haven't had this situtation with amending before the tax payment was made.
      See line 17 of Form 1040X. If your client hasn't paid anything for the balance due on the original return, then they can file the 1040X by April 17th with a check for $849.


        Price we Pay for Competence and Efficiency

        That is the price paid for efficiency. I never efile a return until several weeks have passed especially if the client owes. Clients with refunds may have me efile promptly but if documents arrive late or they overlook something I will do a 1040x for a fee. The first few years I did them free of charge. Now I am wiser.

