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Temporary Absence Away from Home?

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    Temporary Absence Away from Home?

    Clients wife did standup comedy in local clubs. Had an agent. Then received bit parts
    in several movies that were filmed locally. She enjoyed that so much that, upon her
    agents recommendation, that towards the end of January, 2006 she went to Hollywood
    to try to go on to bigger and better things. She has been able to obtain bit parts in
    different movies.
    Her husband stayed behind, at home, and she would occassionaly come back for a
    week or two then go back out.
    She is still in Hollywood during 2007. Still comes back home periodically.
    Question: will her trips back and forth from Hollywood to Texas, her home, be counted
    as business trips?
    For 2006, would she be considered temporarily away from home with all expenses
    being deductible?