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Auto - Fringe Benefit

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    Auto - Fringe Benefit

    If S-Corp supplies vehicles to employees for work and also supplies a vehicle to shareholder who is employee, I know I need to apply the lease value rule for shareholder; but rather than include the total lease value to shareholder's W-2, how is it determined what portion of the lease value is a working condition benefit if vehicle is used 90% business and 10% personal? I read where you can include total lease value to W-2 and then shareholder would take a deduction on schedule A, but it seems it would be more beneficial if we could exclude the business portion from W-2. Thank you in advance for your expertise. (I hope I am asking my question clearly)

    Basically, the adding to W2 is the same for any employee that has the use of a company owned vehicle for personal use. In your question the corporation takes 100% business use depreciation and expenses of the vehicle on the 1120S. For a new vehicle, based on the cost basis of the vehicle (FMV), you look-up the "Annual Lease Value Table" in pub 15b and prorate the table amount by 10% for personal use to determine the amount to add to the employee W2 gross plus a cents per mile for gas if the company paid for gas on those personal miles (subject to all payroll taxes). For a used vehicle, the same is done except the FMV is determined as of the date the employee first receives the vehicle for personal use.


      Thanks Old Jack!!!

      Much appreciated.



        And after four years

        you may update the fmv for the annual lease value.

