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    I've wondered about that too.

    Originally posted by OldJack View Post
    There you go again.. exaggerating everything, even upping the number of your posts.
    How'd he get so far ahead of us with 1495 (almost 1500) posts? You've got 1142 (almost 1200) and I've got 1225 (almost 1300), and we're practically postin' day and night.

    For my part, I guess it could be that he's usually talkin' about taxes (I'm really the one that's off on wine and roses, etc., etc.)
    Last edited by Black Bart; 01-21-2007, 11:25 AM.


      Originally posted by OldJack View Post
      Now wait a minute veritas... Are you saying that I should have to take the HRB tax course just because you thing it was great? Are you saying that since I didn't take the HRB tax course that I don't know what I should know about taxes? Well let me tell you I have seen some pretty dumb tax returns that HRB tax preparers have done in the past. (and there are others besides HRB).

      See Janien is right, I'm not very subtle. Of course you are cantankerous which I hope to be someday.

      I should have said newbies should take the HRB course.


        Originally posted by veritas View Post
        I should have said newbies should take the HRB course.
        You just continue to stick your foot in your mouth... or on this forum is it your fingers. You done and gone and insulted our good posting friend "newbie".


          Originally posted by Black Bart View Post
          How'd he get so far ahead of us with 1495 (almost 1500) posts?
          He gives short posts.


            Newbie wrote a good post.

            Originally posted by newbie View Post

            You can't lump all HRB's, all JH's, all EA's, all CPA's or all non-licensed preparers together...
            He/she impressed me as right on the mark with the above conclusion. HRB is neither Beauty nor Beast (or ugly bug) and I too, respectfully, disagree with White Oleander's position that we can't dislike some of the firm's practices while simultaneously holding some of its employees in high regard. Those people aren't responsible for corporate programs and they have to follow company policy if they want to keep their jobs (who wants to cast the first stone?).

            Anyway, it's good that some of our better posters "got it off their chests" and made their views known about this subject. Slights, real and perceived, never get any better no matter how long you nurse them and we don't need our members, whatever their affiliations, feeling they've been insulted and aren't respected.

            Hopefully, in the future, we can all try to be a little "kinder and gentler" by avoiding sweeping generalizations and will indeed "judge posters by what their head and fingers say."


              post anyway

              >>He gives short posts<<

              Short on the truth. When I don't have anything helpful to contribute, I just make up some bogus information and post anyway!


                Originally posted by Black Bart View Post
                He/she impressed me as right on the mark with the above conclusion. HRB is neither Beauty nor Beast (or ugly bug) and I too, respectfully, disagree with White Oleander's position that we can't dislike some of the firm's practices while simultaneously holding some of its employees in high regard. Those people aren't responsible for corporate programs and they have to follow company policy if they want to keep their jobs (who wants to cast the first stone?).

                Anyway, it's good that some of our better posters "got it off their chests" and made their views known about this subject. Slights, real and perceived, never get any better no matter how long you nurse them and we don't need our members, whatever their affiliations, feeling they've been insulted and aren't respected.

                Hopefully, in the future, we can all try to be a little "kinder and gentler" by avoiding sweeping generalizations and will indeed "judge posters by what their head and fingers say."
                Actually Black Bart I don't disagree that one can "dislike some of the firm's practices while simultaneously holding some of it's employees in high regard." I did not make myself clear on that. And, since all communication is through written words, it is difficult to really receive the true tone and meaning of what has been said by someone.

                I now know that this board and it's members do not intentionally mean to cast negativity by association. And all is well.

                Now, let's all go do some taxes and try not to screw 'em up too bad. LOL
                You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.


                  Originally posted by WhiteOleander View Post
                  In the past months, there have been posts that imply that Block lacks integrity.

                  Some posters have said when a new client asks them to prepare a return with questionable things, they refuse and tell them to go to Block. Block will prepare anything.
                  Block get the brunt of much of the fustration with the franchise firms because it is the largest. That market is very competitive. But it is my feeling that Block is trying the hardest of the lot in trying to maintain their integity, which is hard when the others are stealing market share.

                  I plead guilty for sending questionable clients to Block. They botched up their lies when I was interviewing them. May be at Block they will get their lies straight. If not, it is Blocks job to send them across the street to Liberty. These type of client will keep going place to place until they get what they want anyway.



                    lol, congrats on becoming a "senior member" hehe



                      White Oleander, I also worked for Block for 11 yrs and taught at the tax schools for 7 yrs. I left to start on my own but will always be grateful for the knowledge I obtained from
                      Block. I also had many students just out of college that had passed the bar and the firms they were going to work for had them to take the Block courses for the hands on knowledge. I have picked up clients over the years that have left Block but the reason they left was the pricing, not the quality of the return.


                        Another Blockhead

                        I read a lot but don't post much anymore, since it slows down my stride a great deal when the thread moves up and I can't just hit "next." But, I really must 'fess up to working for H&R Block for eleven tax seasons, nine and one half of them with H&R Block Premium. My first off-season, I worked one day per week in one of our open offices; that was an education in itself! And, the rest of my off-seasons, I've been "on call" to my clients and working a bit less than one day per week in my Premium office. Our clients demand a lot of time and attention and handholding and year-round service and almost no RALs! I usually have no problem charging the prices the software calculates, because those prices include my services year-round, telephone questions anytime, audit representation at no additional charge, etc. If Block were competing on price, it would collect information to send to India; and clients' questions would be answered by a generic call center with accented people reading from scripts. My clients get me. I'm an EA with an MBA in finance, have been a controller for a privately-held corporation as well as treasurer of my church both including payroll, and take more than 30 hours of education every year. I teach courses for Block and am working on my QuickBooks certification. I'm not a CPA, but if my clients need one or a tax attorney, I send them to Block's RSM McGladrey. And, if they could save money and still have their needs met, I send them to a regular HRB office. I've recommended TaxCut and even sent one client to IRS Free File. They don't always need me, and sometimes they need someone better than me.

