In a Subchapter S Corp., if distributions exceed AAA, I understand there's a long term capitcl gain for the shareholder.
Does the corporation have to issue a 1099, and if not, how does this show up on the shareholder's 1040?
For example if AAA, beginning is $ 1,000
Profit for Year is 10,000
Distributions 11,500
AAA, Ending - $ 500
Does S Corp issue a $ 500 1099? How is this shown on shareholder 1040?
Does the corporation have to issue a 1099, and if not, how does this show up on the shareholder's 1040?
For example if AAA, beginning is $ 1,000
Profit for Year is 10,000
Distributions 11,500
AAA, Ending - $ 500
Does S Corp issue a $ 500 1099? How is this shown on shareholder 1040?