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Early FAFSA "deadlines"

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    Early FAFSA "deadlines"

    Lots of info on the web re deadlines way into the future for the 2007-2008 year.

    I'd like to get some real world info on the procces of filing early and how early is recommended (one client says he was told 1/31).

    It almost appears that you can file one with your best guesses whenever you want and then revise it multiple times until the 2006 taxes are finished.

    No comments of any kind after 56 views.... either it is too complicated, too simple and not worthy of any comment, or I didn't make my confusion very clear.

    So can somebody confirm that the FAFSA can be completed today and revised as soon as one wants to, whenever one wants to and as many times as one wants too?



      >>too complicated, too simple<<

      Too off-topic. This is a tax-prep forum. The only tax angle to your question is that, yes, you can file the FAFSA using estimated tax info, and complete it when the actual tax return is ready. That doesn't mean "as many times as one wants." How would you feel if you worked in college financial aid, and a student kept changing the facts?


        Well until we get more forums, I would think that anything related to TheTaxBook would be fair game. Don't know about anyone else but our office gets alot of questions about college finanancial aid.

        More Forums would be nice...... seems like that's been discussed before.


          Good point

          >>anything related to TheTaxBook would be fair game<<

          Good point, and I withdraw my previous judgment. But not my conclusion--you want the financial aids office to take your application seriously, so make it straight and simple for them.


            You might have gotten more responses if you had not used "FAFSA" as not everyone would know what you were talking about. Count me as one that had never hear the word.


              Jack, you must not have any young clients, don’t you have client calling you about tax information because they are filling out there FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). I get them every year. Like what form did I file last year? Was it 1040 or 1040EZ? How much money did I make? Etc. Your lucky you don't get these calls.
              Last edited by Gene V; 01-05-2007, 11:37 AM.


                FAFSA?? -- Me either.

                Originally posted by OldJack View Post

                ...never heard the word.
                But, I've helped a few kids with Pell Grant forms -- if that's the same thing. They're a pain and I won't do them if there's any way out 'cause they don't usually want to do any of it, including their part -- just prefer to dump the whole nine yards in your lap.

                P.S. LCP -- Why not just call your local university financial aid office and get their policy straight from the horse's mouth?
                Last edited by Black Bart; 01-05-2007, 01:56 PM.

