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What can the Lil Guys do

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    What can the Lil Guys do

    I just wanted to share a little bit. I see and hear a lot of Tax Professionals say that they don't agree with the RAL and because of this they do not offer the product.

    I am a small time tax preparer, I am just now after 8 years of tax preparation, reaching out to expand my scope concerning tax knowledge. Over the last few months I have learned a lot by the way...more than all of the other years combined, (By the way I got an A in my Fed Tax Class, tackling Adv Fed Tax this Qtr)

    Most of my clients are blue collar workers who have been itching for tax season since November...and although I don't agree with the RAL prices, I still offer the product so that I can remain competitive...if I don't I will surely loose clientel. On the flip side, I do give all my clients who are looking to go Rapid, a thorough speech on the loan, and explaining to them that if they can wait, I would suggest to do so.

    After this quarter of classes, I will begin studying for the EA exam....once I complete my Master's of Accounting next Spring, I will sit for the CPA....maybe once I have reached this status I will be in a situation to turn away clients who want to go rapid, but at this point I don't.

    I think it's overly priced, but there is a market for this....just opening a can of worms I

    Happy New Year's to all, and To all a successful Tax Season!

    Shawn Miller
    Atlanta, GA
    Shawn D. Miller
    Atlanta, GA

    "If you stand on the shoulders of a will see further than a giant!"

    No RAL's

    for me. I too am a "little" guy in the tax business. But i work out of my home and I want to control the clients I have. Most of my new clients come from referrals and I like that. I am thinking about some sort of mailing to new residents of the area or something like that.

    But I don't want to open my home to just anyone. So I don't offer RAL's. None of my existing clients have ever even asked if I did RAL's.

    But that is just my situation. I agree that people send a lot of money to get it so fast but you will always have that type of people. We just have to accept that and offer the service if it is to our advantage.

    Linda F


      Shawn, are you attending Strayer?

      I think we had a class together a few quarters ago.



        Whats up Josh. Yeah, that's Me. How did you like the class? Me, I felt like I learned everything by myself from reading, and when I got frustrated I came to this message board. Just doing all that I can to become fully equipped in this tax game.

        Are you now preparing returns for yourself, or working for a company?

        Shawn D. Miller
        Atlanta, GA

        "If you stand on the shoulders of a will see further than a giant!"


          I've never had a problem...

          Originally posted by Linda F View Post
          for me. I too am a "little" guy in the tax business. But i work out of my home and I want to control the clients I have. Most of my new clients come from referrals and I like that. I am thinking about some sort of mailing to new residents of the area or something like that.

          But I don't want to open my home to just anyone. So I don't offer RAL's. None of my existing clients have ever even asked if I did RAL's.

          But that is just my situation. I agree that people send a lot of money to get it so fast but you will always have that type of people. We just have to accept that and offer the service if it is to our advantage.

          Linda F
          with any of my RAL clients coming to my home. I had about 400 clients the year before (2005) which was also my the last time I used the home office. Most of the one's requesting RAL's were very nice. No different from any of the other clients.



            Don't lose sleep...

            ...over RALs, Shawn. It's like if you don't like drinking or smoking, but own a convenience store. Selling beer and cigarettes does not make you immoral.

            I've been fortunate enough to avoid RALs and the kind of people stupid enough to insist on them. But I have a small operation. If I opened to the general public with the intention of being successful, I would have to sell the product, bad though it may be.

            We all need to abide by the golden rule, but in business, it's "ever who's got the gold, rules." If your practice is akin to a retail tax shop, the customer's got the gold.



              My wife and I started a tax and accounting biz in '04, with '05 being our 1st full season. We have since started offering insurance and investment services to our clients. When we were in class I think we talked about finding something to do the other 8 months of the year, and that takes up alot of my time.

              While I did learn alot in Fed Tax and Adv. Fed Tax, this board is a life saver, with "real world" examples.

              Good luck with your business!

