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    I'd appreciate any feedback on this product. It looks like a decent software product, reasonably priced.


    Actually, I've never heard of it before, but I looked it up online and the prices seem okay. I didn't, however, like the fact that it seems like the demo is offered online only. I don't see how you could honestly evaluate the worth of a program without using it for a fair length of time to try a few tax returns on rather than trying to cram all your experience into a maybe 30 minute to two hours net session.

    I'd really want them to send me a CD to try out before buying. I did not see where they offered that. Did you?


      Chastizin' country hick

      Originally posted by Unregistered
      I'd appreciate any feedback on this product.
      Nobody knows nothin'? Well, shoot; at least we should tell him that. Somethin'.

      Here's a ditty I swiped from, let's see, was it the Dogpatch Dispatch? Ummm, no; it was from syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts, I think, who was inspired by Jimmy Carter's post-presidency passion of house-building for Habitats for Humanity, etc. Carter, a Southern Baptist deacon, was following this directive to disciples:

      "Do you love me?" he asked Simon Peter.

      Peter said yes.

      "Feed my sheep," said Jesus.

      The point here is that, it seems to me, we should try to perform a Random Act of Kindness for unregistered guests, newbies, lurkers, etc. Who knows; if they don't come away feeling brutally rebuffed (which is sometimes the perception one gets when absolutely nobody answers your question), then maybe they'd think this is a pretty good site, come back, and part with 140 bucks for the book sooner or later. If that happens enough times, we could get to keep the site and not have to slink back to QF with our tails between our legs.


        Not to worry, already purchased books

        Black Bart-

        Thanks. I do hope to hear from somebody that uses or has looked at this product. I've used ATX for the past three years, but only for a handful of returns. As such, I've never really had the opportunity to learn ATX very well. I've moved to Florida, and am starting a tax practice again from scratch. So, I hope to do a larger number of returns. My past favorite was Lacerte, but it's just became too darn expensive. I also like Ultra Tax, also too expensive. On a per return basis, they also seem cost-prohibitive with the added e-filing fees, etc. I'm hoping to e-file most of my returns and would like to evolve to as close to a paperless office as possible. I've found moving and destroying old returns to be extremely time-consuming and have moved frequently with spousal job changes. I really like the interactive organizer's offered by Ultra Tax and Lacerte, but am concerned that many customer's will consider the input of an electronic, interactive organizer much the same as using consumer tax preparation software and ask themselves, why don't I just do the return myself? I guess that's just a dilemma. In response to your question, Webtax will send a demo CD after you fill-out an online form. I've done that. I also tried to call, but got an answering service. That bothers me.


          To the Bookbuyer:

          My ma thanks, my pa thanks you, I thank you, and Brad & Paul thank you (if I may speak on their behalf).

          We've got some similarities. I used ATX for the first time last year and alternated between elation over the low price (approx. $500) and much wailing and gnashing of teeth over the tech support. However, the quality of support varies--apparently depending on what rep you get ahold of. Mine was lousy, but others (Sandy, I think) got great support. Still, overall, I liked the program and its layout, so I've reversed my sworn oath to never, ever re-up with them and am going to order it again here in the next couple of months. They had lots of EF problems (Snag warned me about them in advance) which they eventually got worked out after numerous delays, but we had some close calls trying to manage customer relations while waiting for the stuff to get fixed. When you tell EF customers it'll be ten days for the refund and then it stretches out to two or three weeks, some get annoyed (to put it mildly).

          I also had Lacerte and loved it, but, like you (and Sandy), I felt it became too expensive and quit it. That's just an opinion of course--talk to John of PA--he likes it a lot and feels that it's worth every penny and you may also after a full round of ATX. The entry format (1040 style) and layout was quite similar to Lacerte. I liked that, but it doesn't catch many things (EIC, for one) automatically like Lacerte did and you have to watch out for that sort of thing. On the other hand (as lawyers are so fond of saying), it (ATX) has a great diagnostic error-checker which will catch what you overlook.

          Re: organizers. I don't use them. Tried it, but most didn't fill it out sufficiently to make my effort worthwhile. I'd just as soon wait and get the dope (the info-not the customer) when they come into the office.

          Re: no Webtax CD. Well, it's not a dealbreaker or anything if you like the prog, but (again), on the other hand, it's those little things that add up to give you an idea what the total package may turn out to be. What to do? Who knows? Only way to find out for sure for yourself is to dive in (wish I could just get my feet wet with these things, but it's generally a full dunkin' before you realize you're drowning.

          Have a nice day (assuming it's optional). /BB


            Web Tax

            I am not as verbose as the astute preparers on this Message Board. I have looked at Web Tax on the Internet but have not been impressed with it for many of the reasons pointed out by others already. I use TaxSlayer Pro and intend to continue with it. Reasonably priced and includes everything for one price even direct and indirect efiling. For that reason I no longer look at the various software programs. Why waste my time when I dont intend to change. Good luck to those of you who are still looking.



              Welcome back to the board. It is good to hear from you again.
              Hope things are going smoothly for you in FL.

