the entire year? Or, do you pro-rate? THNX in advance and I'd also like to thank you (especially Jainen) for straight-forward answers to some of my previous inquiries.
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marrying in June2007, can you file jointly for...
Straight-forward answers?
Originally posted by Mr. Patthe entire year? Or, do you pro-rate? THNX in advance and I'd also like to thank you (especially Jainen) for straight-forward answers to some of my previous inquiries.
Originally posted by SnaggletoothMr. Pat, you've got to be kidding. Jainen can be helpful when he wants to but he answers questions with riddles. Your question about marriage is about as easy and straightforward as it can be. You're lucky he hasn't answered. You'll hear more about divorce than marriage, more about decades than years and more about claiming Eskimos than claiming your wife...
Now Snaggs isn't that a little harsh.I mean I have my little secret decoder ring and it helps clarify his posts quite nicely. For $10.95 I wil mail you one, it works wonders.
a simple matter
>>he answers questions with riddles<<
Mr. Pat is remembering my answer to his previous post about a domestic partner deducting mortgage interest. I'm repeating it here, Snaggletooth, so you can explain what the riddle is.
"Generally you can't deduct interest unless you are legally required to pay it. There is one theory, based on a court case rather different from your situation, that a co-owner must keep up mortgage payments to protect her partial ownership interest.
Usually my clients with such an arrangement will agree that one partner pays the mortgage and the other pays equivalent value in utilities, insurance, and other housing costs. Alternatively they will add the second name to the loan, a simple matter."
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