everyone. May you enjoy good health, contentment and a very good and prosperous new year.
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Merry Christmas
Black-eyed peas
Originally posted by Chief
May you have a Happy and Successful New Year.
Eat plenty of black eyed peas for wealth of the New Year.In this article about we are talking about custom of eating black eyed peas on New Year's Day. Take a closer look!
I give this a shot just about every year, but it hasn't quite panned out yet. But Happy New Year to all anyway.
Hog Lard
Back when I was a kid, trying to grow up, back in the depression days, we raised and
butchered our own hogs. Everything mother cooked had hog lard in it, which was
made right there at the house.
Come to think about it, maybe that is my problem today. Too much transfat back in
my childhood.
Howver, you could not beat those homemade tamales. The cornshucks had come
out of the cornfields right around us.
Originally posted by Bird LegsBack when I was a kid, trying to grow up, back in the depression days, we raised and
butchered our own hogs. Everything mother cooked had hog lard in it, which was
made right there at the house.
Come to think about it, maybe that is my problem today. Too much transfat back in
my childhood.
As a minor clarification, Lard is rendered fat, but it is not the bad trans fat. Here is an article describing trans fat.
Originally posted by How did the process of trans fat come about?
The hydrogenation of vegetable oils began in the United States in 1910. Shortly afterwords, Crisco went on the market as a replacement for lard. In the 1950's, the growing fast food industry as well as the baking and snack food industry, began to capitalize on the ability to turn liquid oils into solid fats. The hydrogenation process is controlled by a number of factors including room temperature, pressure, duration, and source of fats. Partial hydrogenation of fats and oils results in a mixture of fatty acids. As the degree of hydrogenation increases, the proportion of polyunsaturates decreases, monounsaturates and trans fatty acids increase, and saturated fats increase slightly. The FDA informally defines a hydrogenated fat as one that is solid at room temperature. Such fats typically contain 15-20% trans fatty acids whereas partially hydrogenated oils are liquid at room temperature and are lower in trans fatty acids.
Merry Christmas, Y'all!
Wishing you the best during this "CHRISTMAS" season and a very happy and profitable New Year with many Happy Returns!
For those of us that care, don't forget the Reason for the Season.
For those that don't, I give the Peace of the Season as a special gift with warm wishes to you and yours!Jiggers, EA
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