Disclaimer: This is part of a series of posts that forum moderators have identified as containing “bogus information.”
The IRS has issued Form 8332-AMT for tax year 2006. It is required for non-custodial parents claiming a child in a year subject to Alternative Minimum Tax or the AMT credit. This form fills a gap for the many taxpayers whose divorce or separation agreement did not provide for the consequences of Alternative Minimum Tax. The instructions include a new Dependency Support Worksheet to determine eligibility based on AMT-adjusted income and deductions.
The IRS has issued Form 8332-AMT for tax year 2006. It is required for non-custodial parents claiming a child in a year subject to Alternative Minimum Tax or the AMT credit. This form fills a gap for the many taxpayers whose divorce or separation agreement did not provide for the consequences of Alternative Minimum Tax. The instructions include a new Dependency Support Worksheet to determine eligibility based on AMT-adjusted income and deductions.