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Very off-topic

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    Very off-topic

    On our local news yesterday, one story was on the fitness of the residents of each state.

    My enthusiastic choice was California. Boy, was I wrong. It was Minnesota, of all places! This really floored me. Number one! CA was 32nd.

    Bees, Armando and Larry, what is your secret? My guess it's not ice fishing.



    nineteenth I think


      Whether you like it or not,

      you have to exercise. Tread mill. 5.5 mph. 3.2 miles every morning. Not too many people I know, "like" exercise other than my wife and some of our other friends. She runs 4.5 miles at 6.5 mph. I can't keep up. NUTS!!!

      Larry M.


        Too fast!

        >>Tread mill. 5.5 mph. 3.2 miles every morning<<

        Too fast! I keep it to a walk, starting at 3.5 and going up to 4.5 and down again. Takes an hour, and goes about 3.5 miles. I make my own MP3 mixes to keep the beat--today was Zydeco, yesterday the Rolling Stones..



          I prefer step aerobics. I like to exercise in a group. We have a treadmill at home that I never use.


            The Rest of the Story....

            Many are puzzled at why Minnesota could beat out all the other states for the top health spot in the country. Some would think states such as California with an over abundance of tree huggers eating rabbit food should be the healthiest state in the country. Is it because Minnesotans buy more treadmills than any other state?


            Minnesota is the healthiest state in the nation for one reason. It has the highest population of Norwegian and Swedish immigrants.

            For centuries, Scandinavians have weeded out the week from their gene pool by feeding their young Lutefisk. Anyone who has ever smelled Lutefisk knows that it takes a very stubborn person to force something with such an awful smell down their throat. Someone stubborn enough to stick to the story that Lutefisk actually tastes good is simply too stubborn to die.

            And that is the rest of the story.


              Oh --

              forgot to tell you. Two years ago I entered a 5k race in St. Paul. I came in third in my age division. Now all you have to do is figure out the rest of what I'm not telling you.
              Larry M



                Were there three entrants in your age division? If so, I like your spin on your finish!


                  Lion, not bad ....

                  Actually there were 4 in my age group.

