I have a client that has inherited 80% of an estate and her brother inherited the other 20%. They had to battle with other relatives in court to get the money.
To get her brother to join her fight against the other relatives, my client promised her brother that she would give him part of her 80% to even up the amounts they received. He may have joined against her because he was not happy that he was only mentioned for 20% in the will.
The estate is now ready to close. Her attorney approached me with the question of gift tax. He stated that there may be another will out there and that the brother seemed to be planning to contest the will until my/his client promised the brother the money. The attorney wants me to determine if they (both lawyers) prepare and sign an "agreed order" between the two parties to drop any future law suits regarding the settlement in exchange for a 50/50 division if that would hold up in tax court regarding gift taxes. The attorney is only asking me about gift tax and this document, not the legality of the document for his purpose.
Any opinions or experience with an issue like this?
In one way, I think of it as being no different than any other legal issue when a settlement is involved except the Judge will not be signing off on it. In another way, I think that because the Judge ruled that she was entitled to her 80%, changing that would just be a loop hole to avoid gift tax.
She did promise him the money, gift tax or not and his attorney will try and make sure that he gets it.
To get her brother to join her fight against the other relatives, my client promised her brother that she would give him part of her 80% to even up the amounts they received. He may have joined against her because he was not happy that he was only mentioned for 20% in the will.
The estate is now ready to close. Her attorney approached me with the question of gift tax. He stated that there may be another will out there and that the brother seemed to be planning to contest the will until my/his client promised the brother the money. The attorney wants me to determine if they (both lawyers) prepare and sign an "agreed order" between the two parties to drop any future law suits regarding the settlement in exchange for a 50/50 division if that would hold up in tax court regarding gift taxes. The attorney is only asking me about gift tax and this document, not the legality of the document for his purpose.
Any opinions or experience with an issue like this?
In one way, I think of it as being no different than any other legal issue when a settlement is involved except the Judge will not be signing off on it. In another way, I think that because the Judge ruled that she was entitled to her 80%, changing that would just be a loop hole to avoid gift tax.
She did promise him the money, gift tax or not and his attorney will try and make sure that he gets it.