Client has Series LLC (Allowed in Illinois). Main LLC has one federal ID.
For example: Main Series LLC = ABC
Under ABC there are three separate LLC - X, Y & Z
Option # 1: IRS says that you can file tax return for "ALL" LLC's under Series LLC using One federal ID.
You will file tax return under FED ID of ABC. Account for all ABC, X, Y, & Z's income and expenses under ABC's fed ID.
Option # 2: You can get FED ID for each LLC under main LLC (Series) and thus file separate returns.
You will file four returns - ABC, X, Y, & Z separately.
Any thoughts?
For example: Main Series LLC = ABC
Under ABC there are three separate LLC - X, Y & Z
Option # 1: IRS says that you can file tax return for "ALL" LLC's under Series LLC using One federal ID.
You will file tax return under FED ID of ABC. Account for all ABC, X, Y, & Z's income and expenses under ABC's fed ID.
Option # 2: You can get FED ID for each LLC under main LLC (Series) and thus file separate returns.
You will file four returns - ABC, X, Y, & Z separately.
Any thoughts?