Client has 4 shareholders in an S corp. Husband (H = 25%), wife (W = 25%), friend (F = 25%), Brother of this friend (B = 25%)
Loan contributed buy each shareholder is $27,000. Capital contribution is $250 each.
This is their second year in business.
As expected in many family situations, something went wrong and "B" wants to be out. So here is what client wants to do.
(1) Pay off B's Loan
Company should write a check for this repayment as loan was made to company by "B"
(2) F would buy out B's stocks for $16,000. Since F wants to pay $16,000 to "B"
This would increase F's % to 50%. "F" would report capital gain of $15,750. Should Company issue 1099-B? Can F take money as distribution to pay $16,000 to B. F does not have money. What about H & W? To be fair they should take $16,000 also!
(3) Is it better for F to pay from his pocket or should company pay for the stocks. If company pays then it will be treasury stock and it will not increase F's share in the company. How would company record $16,000? Is this an expense for the company?
(4) What happens to H & W. According to them they are the victims because F promised $16,000 to B.
Any help would be appreciated.
Loan contributed buy each shareholder is $27,000. Capital contribution is $250 each.
This is their second year in business.
As expected in many family situations, something went wrong and "B" wants to be out. So here is what client wants to do.
(1) Pay off B's Loan
Company should write a check for this repayment as loan was made to company by "B"
(2) F would buy out B's stocks for $16,000. Since F wants to pay $16,000 to "B"
This would increase F's % to 50%. "F" would report capital gain of $15,750. Should Company issue 1099-B? Can F take money as distribution to pay $16,000 to B. F does not have money. What about H & W? To be fair they should take $16,000 also!
(3) Is it better for F to pay from his pocket or should company pay for the stocks. If company pays then it will be treasury stock and it will not increase F's share in the company. How would company record $16,000? Is this an expense for the company?
(4) What happens to H & W. According to them they are the victims because F promised $16,000 to B.
Any help would be appreciated.