I soon will attend 24 hours of CPE toward my required 72 hours every 3 years.
IRS starts it's new auditors off with SIX WEEKS of intensive education and students
must pass written tests! Most already have accounting or business law background and
many of them obtain additional education on their own over the years while they work for
IRS. IRS also requires its auditors to attend tax schools every year or two which last for
two weeks or longer and periodic tax schools of a day or two. IRS tax schools are
excellent and the instructors are generally IRS agents with many years of experience.
The teaching approach is very much like the military approach. They use flip charts and
slide projectors and teach in a 1, 2, 3 manner: 1. We will teach you the following.
2. We are now teaching the following(same issue). 3. We are now going over what we
just taught you. Questions, discussions, TEST! Day dreaming will NOT cut it!
Each instructor teaches only about an hour then a new instructor comes in
for the next hour and so on. As a result the IRS instructors are EXPERTS in their
assigned tax issue.
Many people go to work for IRS for a few years soley to obtain a good tax education.
One District Director said that IRS approves this. As a result their are many
former IRS auditors now working as tax preparers.
I have been very much impressed by the civilian instructors at CPE seminars but the
IRS instructors are even better. Our CPE pales in comparison to the tax
training provided to IRS auditors. If any taxpayers or tax preparers believe that they can
fool IRS auditors, they better reconsider.
IRS starts it's new auditors off with SIX WEEKS of intensive education and students
must pass written tests! Most already have accounting or business law background and
many of them obtain additional education on their own over the years while they work for
IRS. IRS also requires its auditors to attend tax schools every year or two which last for
two weeks or longer and periodic tax schools of a day or two. IRS tax schools are
excellent and the instructors are generally IRS agents with many years of experience.
The teaching approach is very much like the military approach. They use flip charts and
slide projectors and teach in a 1, 2, 3 manner: 1. We will teach you the following.
2. We are now teaching the following(same issue). 3. We are now going over what we
just taught you. Questions, discussions, TEST! Day dreaming will NOT cut it!
Each instructor teaches only about an hour then a new instructor comes in
for the next hour and so on. As a result the IRS instructors are EXPERTS in their
assigned tax issue.
Many people go to work for IRS for a few years soley to obtain a good tax education.
One District Director said that IRS approves this. As a result their are many
former IRS auditors now working as tax preparers.
I have been very much impressed by the civilian instructors at CPE seminars but the
IRS instructors are even better. Our CPE pales in comparison to the tax
training provided to IRS auditors. If any taxpayers or tax preparers believe that they can
fool IRS auditors, they better reconsider.