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Say what?

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    Say what?

    I'll reply on a different thread since jon3345's "Gold november" post is going to get the axe. Just curious, Nelson, but what exactly is it that you're selling?

    P.S. I've got a cousin who's fond of "Make Big Money Fast" schemes (I'm still recoverin' from his last "precious gems" boondoggle). Want me to put him in touch (don't take any checks on him)?
    Last edited by Black Bart; 11-08-2006, 10:28 PM.

    The intent is to get you curious enough to click on the link provided. That brings you to a web site where they try to place a tracer on your computer so they can see which web sites you visit. Then they know what spam to send to your email address, which they can trace the minute you check your email. That is why you should never click on a link if you do not know what source has provided you with the link.


      Don't click on a link

      I never click on a link someone sends me by email. Not only do they use responses to get your email, but may include a virus. I will not even open links send by friends because a virus can be included in the email which was sent without your friend's knowledge. Once a friend sent me several identical emails. I called him and asked him why he kept sending it. He said, "Don't open it. It has a virus."

