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    Just read your public profile, are you also an accountant or tax preparer?
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    Many times I post additional info on the post, Click on "message board" for updated content.

    Now I remember I did fill out the profile. I am a tax preparer only. I'm hoping to take some accounting courses at our local community college, but have not done so yet.

    Last edited by Eli; 10-22-2006, 06:08 AM. Reason: Additional info



      ..... you are on top of those borders issues down there.....
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        lots of people against the "Border Fence" and others for. There is definitely a need for securing the border, but I'm not sure the fence is the answer. Until Mexico fixes its problems there will continue to be illegal immigration to the US. I've been in Mexico and i can't blame the people for wanting to leave. There are neighborhoods built in dumps, problems with sewer line breaks which aren't fixed for months, water breaks and all kinds of other problems.

        I don't like having to pay for UDA's healthcare and other benefits, but i guess for now I have no choice :-)



          Oh Oh

          One tenth of Mexico's entire population is here in the US. And they are here illeaglly not "UDA".

          Eli we do have a choice.


            Illegal immigrants

            Using illegal immigrants to do work citizens 'won't do' is comparable to what was done many years ago when we brought in slaves to do work Whites didn't want to do.

            For some reason many Mexican immigrants resist using English as their principal language for several generations. Others, who are often highly successful, bend over backward to adopt English as their primary, and sometimes, only language.

            Any immigrant who does not want to assimilate into the American culture and language should be deported regardless of their country of origin.



              ............Eli that I brought up the subject. Maybe this isn't the place for this issue. This is a complex problem that will have long term implication to many people.While I don't disagree with each poster and any others that may post an opinion, no one has a solution now or later.

              Should they be here> NO
              Should they go home> To what?
              Do we have the capacity to help our fellow human> Yes
              Should the immigrants blend into our society> Yes "When in Rome do as the Romans do"
              When is enough enough? That is the real problem!
              How do we as Americans stop what is going on > got me?
              What can government do to control immigration that is just walking across the boarder?

              How about taking over Mexico and make it a territory of the United States. YES.
              Last edited by BOB W; 10-22-2006, 10:37 PM.
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              Many times I post additional info on the post, Click on "message board" for updated content.


                How about taking over Mexico and make it a territory the United States. YES.
                Now that's been my thoughts for years, we don't have to take over Mexico, but why can we just go over there and help the people create there own jobs, or start building along the beaches, maybe help with agriculture, seems like we could create so many jobs, that the Mexican would rather stay there and work.



                  My problem with Mexico is the Government, Corruption and Crime. How can we invest $ when the country can't be trusted. It is either, Mexico is annexed or the Mexicans will annex the United States's Southwest.

                  Is this War?
                  Last edited by BOB W; 10-23-2006, 09:08 AM.
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                  Many times I post additional info on the post, Click on "message board" for updated content.


                    It is my understanding that 11 states do not require you prove legal residence in order to get a drivers license. Oregon is one of them. We issued licenses to people whose address is not even in Oregon. When my son went in to get his license we had to show his social security card and his birth certificate.

                    Illegals do not have to provide a social security number or birth certificate.

                    Soon due to federal legislation I will not be able to use my drivers license to board a plane.
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by veritas; 10-22-2006, 11:41 PM.



                      ............... what a mess!
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                      Many times I post additional info on the post, Click on "message board" for updated content.



                        All other arguments aside, the world is becoming overpopulated. Some nations are fighting it by having fewer children, but nations which are the least capable of affording their citizens a decent living often have the biggest rate of reproduction--and they are using the USA as a dumping ground.
                        US population is now up to 300 million and growing--largely due to immigration and a large part of that is illegal immigration.



                          [QUOTE=Jan] , but why can we just go over there and help the people create there own jobs, ]

                          As far as creating jobs,I worked at A T & T-Lucent for 28 years and saw a lot of my friends layed off because the jobs were sent to Mexico. The department I worked in was move and I ended up taking a early retirement so I think we have sent enough jobs out of the country and Mexico is one of the places the jobs go.
                          Last edited by Donanita; 10-23-2006, 08:22 PM.


                            Not many factory jobs left in this area as all the plants have closed up shop and moved to Mexico. So sad.


                              This is a rough group.

