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Posting Messages???

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    Posting Messages

    I think there should be a separate area for unregistered/non-pros can post to and that their posts be directed there. Then if any of us want to assist non-pros we can also go there.

    Or we should have an area for pros that the unregistered and non-pros can't get into without at least having some tax education under their belt. taxea
    Believe nothing you have not personally researched and verified.


      More than one message board is usually not a problem to setup and this software is designed to do such. But then who are professionals? Some would probably say I was not.

      However, we "aren't" talking about the unregistered not being able to read the forum. Is it really asking to much for someone that wants to post to register with a bogus name like most of us use? Even some of the unregistered guest, such as Jan, use a name to identify their post from other unregistered. Thank you Jan.



        Just for informational purposes, I used to sign on to this board when it first began as an unregistered guest. And for quite some time. Why? Because I was embarrased to post questions that as an EA I should have known. I read answers posted by Old Jack, jainen, Bees Knees, etc and their knowledge was (and is) far beyond mine. I still am embarrased by my questions, but I have taken the position that it's better to ask and be embarrased since there will always be people who have far superior knowledge than mine. I did talk to the marketing rep for TMI at the last EA seminar I was at in Sept about this topic. I told him I would be willing to pay a small fee to be a member of this board and that I would prefer to have a question/answer board just for professionals. He said they do watch this board and try to omit inappropiate ones. But I do feel that TMI could issue a "number" with each book ordered which would allow us to register with a "user" number. Anyway, those are some of my thoughts Old Jack.
        Older Larry


          Originally posted by OldJack
          Is it really asking to much for someone that wants to post to register with a bogus name like most of us use? Even some of the unregistered guest, such as Jan, use a name to identify their post from other unregistered. Thank you Jan.

          A person can register under a fictitious name and could also use multiple registrations with multiple email addresses so you never really know who is saying what. In that respect if a person is a "regular" to the board it is to their advantage to register, for example, any unregistered poster could sign "Jan", how do you know which Jan it is or if it is even Jan?

          Originally posted by Larry M
          Just for informational purposes, I used to sign on to this board when it first began as an unregistered guest. And for quite some time. Why? Because I was embarrased to post questions that as an EA I should have known.

          And, for this and whatever reason other posters did not register, I hope you keep it open to all registered and unregistered. There have been some valid posts by unregistered guests, yet others have been annoying.

          Also there have been regulars that have responded to questions from a computer that does not automatically log them in, but they have signed their name to an unregistered post. Had they not been allowed to respond unregistered, by the time they got back to the office they may have forgotten all about the post altogether.


            First of all I don't think it makes any difference if someone post a question as unregistered. If we are dedicated to proper tax reporting then why would we ignore them just because we don't "know" them.

            I think what carries more weight is knowing who is providing the response. There are individuals on another board that constantly throw out answers that are way off base, those are the ones I ignore.



              Originally posted by cpadan
              First of all I don't think it makes any difference if someone post a question as unregistered. If we are dedicated to proper tax reporting then why would we ignore them just because we don't "know" them.

              I think what carries more weight is knowing who is providing the response. There are individuals on another board that constantly throw out answers that are way off base, those are the ones I ignore.

              I think that some of you are missing the point. When you are responding to a thread and there is more than one UR it becomes very difficult to isolate who you should be responding to.I do not think that anyone is advocating not letting non-pros post just that if they want to post they need to register so that it is easier for others to respond to them. If you look back through old posts where there was more than one UR you can see what I am talking about.


                As cpadan said, it carries more weight knowing who is providing the response. When there is more than one Unregistered and it becomes difficult to isolate who you should be responding to is when I just ignore that post.


                  Originally posted by Jesse
                  As cpadan said, it carries more weight knowing who is providing the response. When there is more than one Unregistered and it becomes difficult to isolate who you should be responding to is when I just ignore that post.
                  i agree that knowing who is responding is the most important thing!! when non-registered people respond who knows if they know what they are talking about. i always rely on answer from someone that has a reputation for correct answers on this board. and btw thank you all that responded to my questions.


                    Originally posted by OldJack
                    Strange that you did not vote that option Bees.

                    The real question is why would the un-registered poster not want to be known?
                    Here is one reason.

                    When you have your username - everyone knows who is asking question (not personally but by user name). If member think that this "user" (unregistered) has no knowledge or is asking silly questions he may not get response in future. Further user may not feel comfortable asking questions in future if he is trying to develop, learn, and there by trying to support his family. Some members may just ignore him in future.

                    This was happening at ATX board. Users would register in 5 different names! So that they can ask basic questions without embarrassing. Some members on ATX board insulted users for not having tax knowledge.


                      [QUOTE= i always rely on answer from someone that has a reputation for correct answers on this board. .[/QUOTE]

                      I don't think you should rely completely on anybody. You should go back to your resources and comfirm or pass on the engagement.


                        ficticious names

                        I agree with Jiggers however I may have never asked the first question if required to
                        register. A ficticious name to avoid a client seeing his return info and also for those
                        working in large companies avoidance of advertizing what we don't know which is
                        considerable to say the least.


                          No Vote

                          This is very interesting, but I'm not voting as I don't see any hard and fast advantages to any of the choices.

                          Requiring registration does nothing to invade the privacy of the member, with such ridiculous names as SeaTax, Acownt4it, and yes, even Snaggletooth. I go a step further and often give my name, town, and e-mail address, but as I understand it registration would require a name only.

                          Registration of a name only will not prevent a post with malevolent or frivolous intent. All he has to do is pull a name out of the air. So registration thus does not harm or help the user, and conversely does not ultimately harm or help the rest of us. There is a feeling by some of us that associating a name with a comment "locks in" that user, and that's just simply not true.

                          Registration of MORE than a name will drive away users. This is a public board and tax advice and discussion abounds (as it should). Tracing the comment to a particular person could conceivably expose the user to a lawsuit. Even though no consideration (money) is tendered, he could be sued. (I don't think this is fair but the ever-increasingly voracious legal community doesn't care what I think) There are other reasons too, not the least of which being some people just don't like the idea of other folks knowing who they are. I don't understand this either, but people have this right.

                          So it seems to me the effect of requiring registration as it exists is as nonconsequential as voting on new legislation which makes it illegal to lasso a fish.

                          Having said all of the above, let me express my appreciation to those of you who have chosen to identify yourself with at least a name. I do enjoy the comradery which has developed between many of us and we have many such gracious people that their character seeps through the technical jargon. Additionally, I respect the towering volumes of knowledge associated with several of these names, and have relied upon them many times with my own questions.

                          No vote - but a great topic.

                          Ron Jordan - Manchester, TN
                          Last edited by Snaggletooth; 10-18-2006, 10:15 PM. Reason: syntax



                            Oh Ronning, I know your not going to vote, but if you where, what line would you vote?


                              One advantage of registering is that you prevent others from using your name. Nobody can come on and pretend to be you. I would hate to think another Bees could be lurking out there, trying to steal my name....


                                Originally posted by ♠♠♠♠
                                Oh Ronning, I know your not going to vote, but if you where, what line would you vote?
                                Another advantage of registering, you can go back and edit or delete your post.
                                I wish I could delete my previous post.

