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Private Debt Collection

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    I have to agree with you...

    You named a function the government can do better than private industry.

    Our military.

    I would add police and court systems also are a legitimate function of government.
    Last edited by veritas; 10-13-2006, 06:25 PM.


      Haven't you noticed

      >>a function the government can do better than private industry. Our military. <<

      Haven't you noticed that a vast amount of our military has been privatized as well? It's all over the news.


        I have. I wish more government agencies would do the same.

        For instance in a recent audit in the city of Portland it was stated that 60% of the road paving was below the state's standards. It was also pointed out on jobs that were large enough competitive bidding was supposed to happen but didn't.

        Now what I find ironic is many who say we need government to do many things because we can't trust private industry. You know the ones who hate Haliburton. However it is pointed out over and over how government fails us but no one seems to care. They will just say we need another government layer to watch over the offending government agency. Or they need more money.

