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Is 2005 tax year done yet?

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    Is 2005 tax year done yet?

    This has to be the most stretched out filing season I have ever had. One of my clients stopped in the other day and said "well tax time is just about ready to start again". I wanted to strangle him.

    Oh well 4 more to go!

    I have...........

    2 appointments for Thursday. Don't want to mention what else I have to do by Monday.
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      I got three done yesterday and finishing up on a s-corp and personal today. Got two more left that I am waiting on information to finish the returns. I've called each one about 3 times. From here on its left on them. I know for sure one will wait until the last minute.

      Just got a call from a person wanting to "revise" 04 & 05 tax returns. Hmm.


        I've been getting LOTS of delinquent filers in the last 2 weeks

        I have probally had 5 people in the last 2 weeks come by who needed multiple years filed. Then, I've still got all of my extensions due by Monday. Had 2 appts. today, 2 more tomorrow, 2 more Friday, and who knows who'll walk through the door Monday. Oh well, at least I get a month off before I have to start getting ready for '07!


          Yea for the 1040 V

          I have about 10 more I will not be getting done by Monday (long story). True we cannot send in another extension, however; the one's where money may be due, I'am having them send a check in with a 1040-V to stop the running of penalties, which rise on Monday from 1% per month to 6% per month.


            Same here

            The same old clients, put it off to the bitter end, so the fax machine has been receiving and printing for the last two days, and emails keep being received.

            Down to 15 here in the office, a call from another that missed the 4/17/06 extension and said oh well I will call after the 15th of October, looking for his refund, and another 5 or 6 that still haven't sent in their information requested April, 06. So hoping to get about 4-5 into efile by Friday nite. One 1120 return that was to be filed by last January, and the anniversary date is approaching again, so get to prepare two returns at the same time.

            Seems like we are now preparing tax returns year round, Jan - October, why doesn't the government just give in and let us do by birthdates or some other feasible date assigned by ssn# , instead of the restrictions of April and October. What a concept!




              Is it just me or do all procrastinators have the same things in common?

              Like procrastination, disorganization, flippant approach, lack of documentation, etc.?
              Seems like the late bunch not only puts everything off till the last minute, but hits you between the teeth with all of the abovementioned lack of preparation and expects you to somehow have the time to bail them out?


                Mine are at least polite about it. I've had several call and ask how late they can get their stuff to me and still make the deadline.

                That reminds me of a letter I sent out several years ago when I decided I no longer had time after the August 15th deadline to do tax work. I was no longer going to service 2nd extensions.

                The letter went out to the three or so clients that always wait until October 14th to get me their stuff. One came in with the letter he received and asked me if it applied to him. I still do his return every year on October 14th.

