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Business or not?

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    Business or not?

    If a landlord hired an independent contractor (sole proprietor) to do a repair job and paid him more than $600, is he required to give him a Form 1099-misc at the end of the year?

    I heard you are required to give Form 1099-misc only if you are a business. So is a rental activity considered a business?

    Thank you.

    Business or Not?

    Yes it is.
    And yes, in order for the rental activity to claim the deduction, a 1099-MISC should be issued if it exceeds the $ 600 amount per year.
    While the rental activity is not a "trade" in the sense that it's a commercial business establishment, it's still owned by a party whose intent is to make a profit from the leasing of space.
    Uncle Sam, CPA, EA. ARA, NTPI Fellow


      Originally posted by Uncle Sam
      Yes it is.
      And yes, in order for the rental activity to claim the deduction, a 1099-MISC should be issued if it exceeds the $ 600 amount per year.
      While the rental activity is not a "trade" in the sense that it's a commercial business establishment, it's still owned by a party whose intent is to make a profit from the leasing of space.
      Would not a receipt work just as well. I mean I spend more than 600 on my tax software but I don't send Lacerte a 1099. It is not the Landlords problem whether the contractor reports the income or not. Maybe I missed something , but.........




        In an audit of one of my clients, the gal only allowed the $600 of $3,600 claimed due to no 1099-Misc.



          If I remember correctly,

          the 1099 Misc instructions state that you need to provide the 1099 to a person who provided a service to you, in the course of your business, that you paid $600 or more in the calendar year. Does not include corporations that provide a service.


            My opinion is

            that rental activity is NOT a business required to send a 1099. Individual investors have rental property.

            Instructions for 1099 Misc:
            "Trade or business reporting only. Report on Form 1099-MISC only when payments are made in the course of your trade or business. Personal payments are not reportable. You are engaged in a trade or business if you operate for gain or profit...."

            Although talking about non profits the following is from,00.html

            "Trade or Business" Defined

            "The term trade or business generally includes any activity carried on for the production of income from selling goods or performing services...."


              Taxpayer uses office in home, has $ 5000.00 in repairs to personal
              residence, does 1099 Misc need to be issued to contractor?



                I would issue the 1099-Misc to this contractor, wouldn't you?




                  Originally posted by Unregistered
                  Taxpayer uses office in home, has $ 5000.00 in repairs to personal
                  residence, does 1099 Misc need to be issued to contractor?
                  If the repairs were just to personal areas of the residence, I would say not.

                  Let's say it was a roofing job, and the OIH was 20% of the home, then $1000 of the repairs would be attributable to the business -- would a 1099-Misc be required then?

                  If the business was renting the office space, then the landlord pays for the repairs, the landlord would then have the question of sending the 1099-Misc, and not the business renting the space. Would similar logic hold with a Sole Proprietor with OIH? That the repairs are being made to the home, of which the individual (not the business) is the owner, which would mean the 1099-Misc responsibility (if any) would be on the owner and not the business. But, of course, an individual home-owner is not required to issue a 1099-Misc. This all is presuming that the home-owner (not the business) paid for the work to be done.



                    Originally posted by DTS

                    In an audit of one of my clients, the gal only allowed the $600 of $3,600 claimed due to no 1099-Misc.


                    And you let her get away with it? There is a penalty for not filing 1099's, not the disallowance of a bonafide business expense.



                      Tell her you will apy the $50 penalty-failure to file the 1099...........

