For a few years now, my client has been using his IRA RMD to donate to his church. He has been getting a 1099-R for the amount, with a disclosure checkmark that the "Taxable Amount Not Determined." I am told the reason the taxable amount is not zero is because the IRS will not certify that the recipient is a legitimate not-for-profit. So the box for the taxable amount is populated as well as the gross amount, with the disclosure that the "Taxable Amount Not Determined."
This year, no 1099-R. Only a statement from the custodian confirming the proceeds were diverted to the church. The amount is shown, plus the recipient.
Has the practice changed?
This year, no 1099-R. Only a statement from the custodian confirming the proceeds were diverted to the church. The amount is shown, plus the recipient.
Has the practice changed?