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PTIN Renewal Time

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  • Rapid Robert
    Yes, my "business numbers" were already pre-entered. What caught my eye was that they were displayed on the same screen as my business address, with a warning that "your business info can be obtained via FOIA request", making it seem that the CAF, EFIN, and EIN would also be revealed.

    It does seem the Form W-12 has been requesting this info for a number of years, so I'm sure I must have supplied it myself.

    My point is two-fold: first, the IRS ought to be able to link these numbers all by themselves, without any input from me. Second, my PTIN is completely independent of those other numbers, it doesn't matter whether I have any of the other numbers or not in order to obtain a PTIN, so why are they requested on the PTIN application?

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  • JON
    Rapid all of my information was already there??

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  • Rapid Robert
    I just renewed, no problems (although I question why my CAF, EFIN, and EIN need to be associated with my PTIN...)

    What I hate the most is the lie that CE sales people repeatedly tell about this:

    "Reminder, that the IRS is requiring all PTIN holders to have a written information security plan (WISP) by the deadline of 12/31/23.​"
    That is not what the IRS is requiring.

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  • TaxGuyBill
    It's going to take me about two months to renew. :-)

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  • Brian EA
    started a topic PTIN Renewal Time

    PTIN Renewal Time

    It took less than 5 minutes to renew..