Are taxpayers whose 2020 tax returns are filed but unprocessed as of 2021's filing time, supposed to wait until 2020 is processed or just file anyway?
Reason for asking is - if client has a credit, loss, or tax overpayment carryover from 2020 that hasn't been processed yet - if claimed on 2021 return - will that automatically trigger
IRS correspondence for discrepancy? Or must the client taxpayer wait until 2020 return is IRS processed before filing 2021?
Reason for asking is - if client has a credit, loss, or tax overpayment carryover from 2020 that hasn't been processed yet - if claimed on 2021 return - will that automatically trigger
IRS correspondence for discrepancy? Or must the client taxpayer wait until 2020 return is IRS processed before filing 2021?