A client that was a disregard LLC in Calif filing a Schedule C chose to be taxed as a S-corp but he had negative equity on the books from before he chose to be taxed as an s-corp. The negative equity was not an issue while a sole-prop. As an s-corp he distributed all the profits to himself except for a small amount so to avoid being taxed on the negative equity we created a loan to owner and he is paying the coropration interest on the note.
My question is can we chose to no longer be taxed as an s-corp and go back to a disregarded LLC and then remove the loan to owner from the books and go back to having negative equity as a disregarded LLC without any tax consequences?
My question is can we chose to no longer be taxed as an s-corp and go back to a disregarded LLC and then remove the loan to owner from the books and go back to having negative equity as a disregarded LLC without any tax consequences?