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How to pay the SE tax deferred from 2020

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    How to pay the SE tax deferred from 2020

    I elected to defer the eligible part of SE tax when preparing my 2020 return.
    Got the IRS letter this summer reminding me of an amount due on this by 12-31-21.
    Today I'm making my regular 3rd Q estimate payment by direct debit online.
    Thought I'd also payoff the full deferred SE amount (separately) as well, just to be done with it.
    At the IRS payment site, which reason for payment does one select to pay this deferred SE tax ?
    Thanks for your comments.



      I've been to this site. The instructions say to specifically identify this payment as "deferred social security tax".
      The drop down instruction box has a good many identifiers such as "estimate tax" etc to choose from so as to
      route the electronic payment correctly, but "deferred social security tax" does not appear as one of the choices.
      Wondering if IRS is not yet set up to receive such payments electronically ?


        I believe you have to make the payment through I believe IRS dropped ball for sole proprietors, because as you said the option for deferred se tax is not on the list


          The link I gave you tells you to go to EFTPS and NOT to combine it with any other payment:

          How individuals can repay the deferred taxes

          Individuals can pay the deferred amount any time on or before the due date. They:Individuals making deferred Social Security tax payments in EFTPS should select 1040 US Individual Income Tax Returnsand deferred Social Security tax for the type of payment. They must apply the payment to the 2020 tax year where they deferred the payment. Taxpayers can visit for details.

