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Tax Update Seminar/Webinar

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    Tax Update Seminar/Webinar

    The last few years, companies that provide tax update seminars/webinars go into detail every topic that is discussed. Their reference book is over 400 pages and in two days less than half is covered. One is expected to read the rest on their own.
    I remembered years ago when I worked for H & R Block , just before tax season started update classes lasted for 4 to 8 hours. They discussed updates. Nowadays for example, if there is a change in the Head of Household status, the instructors go through the whole nine yards taking up too much time.
    Does anyone know of any company that provides TAX UPDATE with no padding up on the information?
    Everybody should pay his income tax with a smile. I tried it, but they wanted cash

    University of Massachusetts holds a 2 day conference at their main campus, but this year due to COVID-19 it is online.

    Taxes after all are the dues that we pay for the privileges of membership in an organized society. - FDR


      The NY/CT Association of Tax Professionals does a January Last-Chance Update for 2 CEs; this year on-demand.


        Does anyone know of any company that provides TAX UPDATE with no padding up on the information?
        If you are not into details and just want the answers, your software company may have an update seminar or desk reference sheet. I generally keep a desk reference sheet from my tax prep software company just to look up limits etc. instead of drilling down into reference materials when it is not required.
        Taxes after all are the dues that we pay for the privileges of membership in an organized society. - FDR


          Originally posted by Brian EA View Post
          Does anyone know of any company that provides TAX UPDATE with no padding up on the information?
          In my opinion, I would prefer the seminar spend more time on updates and less time on old stuff that has been around for years. When you are trying to understand a new concept, it takes time to think through everything new. I don't care about two hours of talking about passive activity rules that have been around since 1986.


            I've seen dozens of updates on The CARES Act offered this fall.


              I think I am going to wait close to Year end or even early January for any updates because of the Nov election. Depending on who the next President is (if we are lucky that it is not contested in the courts), there may be a lot of changes, exec. orders.
              Taxes after all are the dues that we pay for the privileges of membership in an organized society. - FDR


                Originally posted by Brian EA View Post
                Nowadays for example, if there is a change in the Head of Household status, the instructors go through the whole nine yards taking up too much time.
                That is part of the problem; the update material may cover just what you want, but the individual presenter may digress and provide too much background for your taste. Larger CE providers are going to have multiple presenters for the same material, so the experience will not be uniform from one presentation to the next.

                Plus, while you may be a well-educated tax pro, there are many who actually do need the review of the basics, because they never really learned them. For example, when TCJA temporarily eliminated equity mortgage interest deductions, many tax pros didn't realize they already had to exclude equity interest for AMT purposes, which in theory applied to every return they prepared. There are other examples, that is just the first one that came to mind.

                "You said it, they'll never know the difference. Come on, we'll paint our way out!" - Moe Howard
                "That's enough! When you didn't know what you were talking about, you really had something! [to Curly]" -Moe Howard


                  CPE has become a big business with higher prices. People learn new rules by showing simple examples so you can grab the jest of the law. Most CPE providers like to complicate the examples to show their knowledge, but losses the student.


                    Originally posted by Brian EA View Post
                    Does anyone know of any company that provides TAX UPDATE with no padding up on the information?
                    Have you looked at The Tax Book “WHAT’s NEW” tabs for Individuals and Businesses? Information is not “padded” and shows “new” vs. “prior” law (with references)

                    Also, specific replies to your question, think reply posters LION & ATSMAN listed CPE/CE providers to consider.

                    Last edited by TAXNJ; 10-06-2020, 01:45 PM.
                    Always cite your source for support to defend your opinion

