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Paper Filed Return Prior to IRS Shutting Down

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    U.S. Could you clarify this:
    My question still remains...would the 1040 still be processed as if it didn't have the return receipt card?
    I have never seen a difference in their processing of a return in either situation, nor in the situation where they never signed nor returned the card (tracking indicated the package was never delivered, but it obviously was since they processed the return). If there was a difference, it was not noticeable.

    How have you seen them process a return differently when you ask for return receipt and when you don't? Have you seen them expedite something when you send it with return receipt, or does that slow things down in your experience?


      My concern is - Is the return going to get processed? I don't really care at this point about the green post card for signature. It's irrelevant now.
      The return was paper filed in PRIOR TO the IRS announcement because it couldn't be e-filed. And with yesterday's announcement it's not clear exactly when IRS stopped processing - when it first declared IRS shutdown - or yesterday?
      Uncle Sam, CPA, EA. ARA, NTPI Fellow


        Originally posted by Uncle Sam View Post
        The return was paper filed in PRIOR TO the IRS announcement[...] when it first declared IRS shutdown - or yesterday?
        Again, what "shutdown announcement" are you referring to? So far, it seems to be something that you, and only you, know about. At what time before Apr 9 did the IRS announce it would no longer process some tax returns? Can you provide a citation, or any confirmation of any kind?

        I already posted what the IRS announced on Mar 21 and Apr 9. Further, on Mar 27, the IRS press release said "As the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak continues, the IRS is taking multiple steps to protect our employees, America's taxpayers and our partners. Although some operations are being curtailed during this period, the IRS is continuing with mission-critical functions to support the nation, and that includes accepting tax returns and sending refunds."

        There was also this statement on that date: ""IRS employees care about our people and our country, and they have a strong desire to help improve this situation," Rettig said. "These new actions reflect just one of many ways our employees are working hard every day to assist the nation. We care, a lot." (*)

        This was also the same date that IRS announced " Practitioner Priority Service line, the e-Services Help Desk line and the e-Services FIRE and AIR system help desks are closed until further notice." Also announced , "COVID-19 effort temporarily adjusts, suspends key compliance programs" such as automatic liens and levies, passport certification, private debt collection, etc.

        (*) stop reading here if you have no sense of humor.

        Remember when the IRS was bashed for using Star Trek-style in house training videos? Maybe they should start using this video as their new anthem and morale booster:
        "You said it, they'll never know the difference. Come on, we'll paint our way out!" - Moe Howard
        "That's enough! When you didn't know what you were talking about, you really had something! [to Curly]" -Moe Howard

