Client was a part-time Lyft driver for 3 months. He received a 1099-MISC with about $3000 in Box 7. He also has a 2019 summary sheet from Lyft where Gross Earnings are broken down as about $15k "Ride Payments" and $3K (same am't as on 1099) as "Non-ride earnings". Various fees are listed (platform fees, service fees, etc) totaling about $9k. So what do I start with on Sch.C Income, the $15k or the $3k from 1099? Client doesn't have a clue as to how much he received but is sure he lost a lot of money! It seems to me that I should start out with the $15k, have the $9k as expenses along with other expenses he incurred. However some information I have found online seem to say I should start with am't on 1099. If so, there will be a huge loss. ..which he thinks he should have!
And a related question: the client had to rent a car from Hertz as his vehicle was an old junker. So for vehicle expenses, do I use "actual" and deduct rental costs, gas, car washes and some repairs he had to pay?
Thanks for any help; this is the first such driver I have had.
And a related question: the client had to rent a car from Hertz as his vehicle was an old junker. So for vehicle expenses, do I use "actual" and deduct rental costs, gas, car washes and some repairs he had to pay?
Thanks for any help; this is the first such driver I have had.