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SSN on 8879

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    SSN on 8879

    I can't find a way to mask SSN on 8879 in Pro. Is there a requirement that full SSN needs to show on 8879? If not, I'd like to manually block out the first 6 numbers for clients who want to e-mail back the signed forms.

    Do you have something more secure than email, such as a portal?


      What program are you using ? ProSeries Professional ?


        Mask first six digits, not just five? My software will only mask first five by default.

        One problem with your plan is that the SSN is not the only confidential data on the 8879. The taxpayer's prior year AGI is also a "shared secret" used for Self Select PIN signing method, but you can hardly mask the AGI, can you? So that will still be exposed for possible future harmful use.

        Why can't they return the form to you the same way you provided it to them? Technically, if they send info to you by email, it's on them, not you. I would advise them of the danger, but if they still prefer email as their first choice, that's a choice they can make. If they are picking up the form in person and don't want to make a return visit, a good old US mail envelope works.

        And don't forget, in a number of states taxpayers can request an IP PIN even without a prior incident, if they are worried about fraudulent tax return filing.
        "You said it, they'll never know the difference. Come on, we'll paint our way out!" - Moe Howard
        "That's enough! When you didn't know what you were talking about, you really had something! [to Curly]" -Moe Howard


          As you know, think the requirement to show the full SSN is when e-filing to the IRS.

          As you know, e-mailing such information maybe risky unless it is “encrypted”.

          Whether a preparer would want to “manually block out the first 6 numbers of SSN for clients who want to e-mail back the signed forms.”, think that is a decision for the preparer since that copy is not sent to the IRS.

          For what it is worth, in a seminar it was mentioned that it is not required to give a copy to the client since it has the
          ERO’s EFIN/PIN.

          Think the decision to “block” or “redact” a client’s SSN is based on the preparer’s client “safeguard“ practices of their clients information.

          Also, maybe it may be (?) addressed in Publication 1345 - IRS e-file Signature Authorization (Forms 8878 and 8879) starting on page 18
          Last edited by TAXNJ; 02-12-2020, 10:34 AM.
          Always cite your source for support to defend your opinion


            I password protect documents send.

            Yes, using Pro professional.

            No, the 8879 is not sent to IRS, but we are required to keep the signed copy.

            Yes, it is on them if they decide to e-mail, but I would like to make it less risky for them if they make that choice.


              We use Proseries. I tried emailing the 8879 with the masking sensitive data checked. And the email portion of the print screen said all data will be masked except the 8879. I imagine you have already tried this. Must be an IRS requirement even for office copies. But I could be wrong. You could always try to override the social lines and leave blank and try emailing that way. Once you get it back, then just write them on the hard copy. Then dont forget to cancel override.

