Not the car people, Accumulated Adjustments Account.
Preparing 2005 1120S and reviewing 2004 1120S. On 2004 return there is a loss of $50,005 noted on line 4 of Sch. M-2. But, Line 3 shows addition of same amount, $50,005. What could the addition of the amount equal to the loss be? It has a note to see statement 5, which I don't have, of course.
Any leads would be greatly appreciated.
Preparing 2005 1120S and reviewing 2004 1120S. On 2004 return there is a loss of $50,005 noted on line 4 of Sch. M-2. But, Line 3 shows addition of same amount, $50,005. What could the addition of the amount equal to the loss be? It has a note to see statement 5, which I don't have, of course.
Any leads would be greatly appreciated.