I am looking for a on-line search engine to research tax code as well as court cases that would have assisted in establishing precedence in tax matters.
I am impressed with the quickness several contributers to this board respond to questions with answers that include not only code sections, but also court cases that have addressed the particular subject area. I know there are many who participate here that have considerable experience and recollection of cites and/or reference material, but how do they come up with the cite for a court case involving say, "XYZ, Inc v. Commisioner," etc., that speaks to the question at issue?
Probably seems a little basic to most of you, but very effective from my viewpoint.
Thank you for any information or ideas.
I am impressed with the quickness several contributers to this board respond to questions with answers that include not only code sections, but also court cases that have addressed the particular subject area. I know there are many who participate here that have considerable experience and recollection of cites and/or reference material, but how do they come up with the cite for a court case involving say, "XYZ, Inc v. Commisioner," etc., that speaks to the question at issue?
Probably seems a little basic to most of you, but very effective from my viewpoint.
Thank you for any information or ideas.