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e-Services ... the new Secure Access

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    e-Services ... the new Secure Access

    I've been registerd with e-Services for years. This year when I went to update my password I find there is a new, one-time registeration with Secure Access.

    I really confused about how to update my e-services account. Has anyone been through this before? I went to the website and it warned about all the things you need to have available but I can't find any where how to start the process. Can anyone shed some light on this?

    I've too have always gotten the six-month email reminder to update the password. This is different and new starting December 10, 2017 and it won't let me log in. In that case my e-Services account will expire in 30 days.

    Don't we all have to have a functioning e-Services account in order to efile?
    Last edited by ttbtaxes; 12-29-2017, 07:11 AM.


      Originally posted by ttbtaxes View Post
      Don't we all have to have a functioning e-Services account in order to efile?
      Sort of, but not really.

      It is not directly required to e-file. However, starting last tax season software providers are now required to have you verify your EFIN with the software provider. In order to do that, you need access to e-services. If you have not done that with your current software provider, or your software provider requires you to do it again, then you would need e-services in verify your EFIN.


        Originally posted by TaxGuyBill View Post
        Sort of, but not really.

        It is not directly required to e-file. However, starting last tax season software providers are now required to have you verify your EFIN with the software provider. In order to do that, you need access to e-services. If you have not done that with your current software provider, or your software provider requires you to do it again, then you would need e-services in verify your EFIN.
        That is the only reason I am doing it. The IRS now requires you to update your e-Services account through this super-duper, triple-layer new registration with phone calls, texts and more.

        This has gotten out of control but I have no choice but to suffer and limp through it because my software vendors requires getting an EFIN verification annually. Right now, I don;t know whether I'm afoot or horseback with the Secure Access/e-Services registration.


          Originally posted by ttbtaxes View Post
          The IRS now requires you to update your e-Services account through this super-duper, triple-layer new registration with phone calls, texts and more.

          This has gotten out of control
          As the link you posted indicates, this was not a choice by the IRS. It was mandated by federal law.

          Following the link you posted, you would also have found this:

          "Returning users with existing credentials but new to Secure Access must:

          Log in with an existing username and password;"

          So there is the answer to your question about how to get started.

          And none of this is sudden, it has been possible for the better part of two years now to get authenticated through the Get Transcript link at the IRS web site.

          Thank goodness that your software vendor is helping to authenticate you, to help prevent the criminal tax preparers from using the software for their own purposes.
          "You said it, they'll never know the difference. Come on, we'll paint our way out!" - Moe Howard
          "That's enough! When you didn't know what you were talking about, you really had something! [to Curly]" -Moe Howard


            the site says that if you are having problems to call the E-SERVICES desk and they will help you register.
            Believe nothing you have not personally researched and verified.


              I am having to do the same thing. Basically you are having to verify your identity. I have a pay as you go phone cellphone so I have to wait for the activation code through the mail. Then you still have to be able to get text messages...more than likely I will have to call the E-Services Help to complete the process. I got one of those letters last year asking to verify my identity and had to call them to finish just because I use Tracfone. I understand why they would not allow them.


                Have problems

                I had validated my info last year via telephone and still have to do it again this year. I had gone to sign in and had the "site image" square show up along with my "site phrase" which I don't know where it came from. The "site phrase" was something that I had entered before but not for the "site phrase" so I was familiar with the phrase. The rep last year did not go through that part with me but said I was ok to use e services from that point on.. I hadn't used e services since last year with the site info.

                Anyway, seeing I have a Tracfone, I decided to call to re-register. After waiting 1 1/2 hrs for someone to answer, then staying online with a lady for 2 hrs who helped as much as she could. She had taken my info and verified everything that needed to be done. I could not log into my account because there was the "site image" box with nothing in it. I entered my password (ending in ?). An error showed that something was not correct. It was either the "site image", "site phrase" or password. I assume it was the "site image". When I had changed my password last year I put in a ? as one of the characters and it was accepted at the time. She said that seeing the re-validation worked last year it should now work after what she did today. So she said that she will send a note to a tech person to contact me either by phone or email.

                My question to everyone is this:
                1. Does anyone use a ? in their password?
                2. What was involved in setting up your "site image"? and "site phrase"?

                I am trying to figure out why I couldn't log in. I am sure it has something to do with the image. But I didn't want to click that I forgot my password if it is a valid password which it did accept when I changed it. Amd if I have to say I forgot the password, I will have to wait for something in the mail to reset it.

                I guess I am one of the many that is having trouble with this process. Thanks for any help.


                  That is what it did with me as well. Except it would not accept my password. I clicked "forgot/retrieve password" and it sent me a validation code through email. Which I got and entered. That is when I had to go through the identity process again. That is when I was given a site image I do not believe I was given a choice and I entered in a site phrase. I usually put a # ! $ I do not see how a ? mark would cause problems. Who knows. The IRS sent me a email saying they changed my username adding numbers to the end but I could not log in with it. I had to use the old one.

                  2 1/2 hours I am sure many are calling Eservices Help.


                    I tried to get re-registered this morning. The system would not accept my last 8 digits of my credit card. The system would not accept my mortgage loan number. So I am dead in the water. Anybody know what I can do next?


                      I've gotten the proverbial box in the log in page and can't proceed from there.

                      Last January, I had to go through a confirmation process and was finally was given a case number because I use a prepay cell phone and had to drive to a location to do it in person.

                      Now, I wish I could just schedule an appointment for an in-person meeting and get it over with.


                        Originally posted by ruthc View Post
                        I had validated my info last year via telephone and still have to do it again this year. I had gone to sign in and had the "site image" square show up along with my "site phrase" which I don't know where it came from. The "site phrase" was something that I had entered before but not for the "site phrase" so I was familiar with the phrase. The rep last year did not go through that part with me but said I was ok to use e services from that point on.. I hadn't used e services since last year with the site info.

                        Anyway, seeing I have a Tracfone, I decided to call to re-register. After waiting 1 1/2 hrs for someone to answer, then staying online with a lady for 2 hrs who helped as much as she could. She had taken my info and verified everything that needed to be done. I could not log into my account because there was the "site image" box with nothing in it. I entered my password (ending in ?). An error showed that something was not correct. It was either the "site image", "site phrase" or password. I assume it was the "site image". When I had changed my password last year I put in a ? as one of the characters and it was accepted at the time. She said that seeing the re-validation worked last year it should now work after what she did today. So she said that she will send a note to a tech person to contact me either by phone or email.

                        My question to everyone is this:
                        1. Does anyone use a ? in their password?
                        2. What was involved in setting up your "site image"? and "site phrase"?

                        I am trying to figure out why I couldn't log in. I am sure it has something to do with the image. But I didn't want to click that I forgot my password if it is a valid password which it did accept when I changed it. Amd if I have to say I forgot the password, I will have to wait for something in the mail to reset it.

                        I guess I am one of the many that is having trouble with this process. Thanks for any help.
                        I just got through the confirmation process and am awaiting a code that will get mailed to me. This was "necessary" because I have a prepay phone account.

                        Here's what I had to do after talking with e-Services:

                        1) I tried to log in normally, while the IRS person was on the phone, and got the proverbial red square with the black x.
                        2) He told me to go to e-File Application and said I had to create account. He said my username would carryover.
                        3) I went to create account (e-Services, e-file Application, Create an Account) and began the process
                        4) They need to confirm a mortgage loan, car loan, or credit card. I gave them the last 8 number of a credit card.
                        5) I got through that part then on to the final phase where you need a cellphone with a billing account. If you have one, you'll enter information and you should be confirmed on the spot.
                        6) I have a prepay cellphone and had to click on the option to mail me a password.

                        So, if you have a credit card handy and your cell phone info, you should be able to get confirmed instantly. Now, I have to wait 5-10 business days for a mailing and then go back to the e-Serves website and enter it and hopefully everything works. This happened last year when they rolled out the same confirmation process in January and I had to physically go to an IRS office to do it in person. This process should have happened in June or July rather than now, which is stressful beyond description.


                          I have an AT&T cell account, have had for years. AT&T says it is in my name, has always been in my name. The IRS says that AT&T told them it is NOT in my name. Also, I have to unfreeze my reports with the credit agencies to identify myself via bills or a credit card; not going to do that since they don't recognize my cell anyway. Nearest IRS office is an hour away.


                            TTBTaxes... I think I will try that even though the rep went through the validation process with me again. She was supposed to give me info for the tech support, but we got cut off right when she was done. What a hazzle! I thought tech support would contact me today, but no luck yet. I won't hold my breath. I will try to create an account again. Hopefully, I can have a little luck with it. Otherwise, I will just try to contact them again early next week (and real early).

                            Thanks for everyone's help. I know there are a lot of others in the same boat!


                              Good so far!

                              TTBTaxes... Thanks again. You made my day! I just created my account over again and I think I am good so far. Much better than yesterday. I did create the image and phrase and went through everything else without any problems. I also have a prepaid phone so I will wait for the activation code in the mail. Hope that will go ok when received.

                              I downloaded the IRSsGo app on my amazon. Has anyone used this yet? It sounds like the way to go if I don't have a valid phone to use.

                              Thanks again for everyone's input. Now I can wait for the code. Have a great day!

