Grandfather set up 529 for grandson. In 2016 a $16,000 check was sent to grandson from the 529 after he graduated for which there are no qualified education expenses. The 1099-Q is in in the name of the grandson which is as it should be. The grandson returned the $16,000 to the Grandfather. Grandfather put the $16,000 in his bank account and forgot about it. I am thinking that the grandson needs to file a gift tax return for the $16,000 he gave to grandfather. Does anyone disagree?
Then, grandson has to pay tax and penalty on the $7,000 of earnings on the $16,000 section 529 distribution. Grandson has $17,000 of wages. Prior to the $16,000 distribution there were qualified education costs paid from the 529 plan of $29,000. The question is, did the grandson provide over 50% of his own support or do the parents claim him as a dependent? The parents are subject to AMT so the exemption is worthless to them. Either way, the grandson will largely wipe out the Federal tax with the AOC. My concern is if he can't claim himself the $7,000 will be subject to Kiddie Tax, correct?
Then, grandson has to pay tax and penalty on the $7,000 of earnings on the $16,000 section 529 distribution. Grandson has $17,000 of wages. Prior to the $16,000 distribution there were qualified education costs paid from the 529 plan of $29,000. The question is, did the grandson provide over 50% of his own support or do the parents claim him as a dependent? The parents are subject to AMT so the exemption is worthless to them. Either way, the grandson will largely wipe out the Federal tax with the AOC. My concern is if he can't claim himself the $7,000 will be subject to Kiddie Tax, correct?