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WEB Library - Worth It?

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    WEB Library - Worth It?

    Up to this point, my small business has been doing fine with the use of the 1040 Plus and my own research time, but every year I think about trying the Web Library.
    So, for those of you that use it, is it worth it? It seems you would have to receive the Web Plus for all the extra goodies.
    thanks for your input
    I have no one else to talk to about this.

    I prefer the book..easier and faster.
    Believe nothing you have not personally researched and verified.


      Weblibrary plus works great for me. You can search, you can easily print single pages or entire chapters ("tabs") to PDF, you can view as PDF or HTML, you get all the supplemental materials such as states, Occupations, and about a dozen others. You can also search IRC, regs, rulings, and many other sources. You get regular Update Service news items and analysis write-ups.

      A bonus is that you always have up fairly current info, as changes/fixes to the content are made online throughout the year.
      "You said it, they'll never know the difference. Come on, we'll paint our way out!" - Moe Howard
      "That's enough! When you didn't know what you were talking about, you really had something! [to Curly]" -Moe Howard


        I prefer the Web Library myself... just renewed today. I believe they first started with a CD version and then moved to Web Library. I like how easy it is to search on a keyword and get a list. That being said if you do not put in the correct keyword nothing will come up. It is easy though to just click on the links which are the tab areas in the book to find the information. Plus since my eyesight has gotten worse I am able to zoom in on the text big plus for me.


          I thought when I was searching the book would have been less time consuming. However, I do like that you can get EVERYTHING on a particular search, such as court cases, etc.. I have been using the books for several years and the web library once. Think about it every year. I would recommend trying it at least one year and see what works best for you!


            I like the ability to go to the first page of the section, find the entry and then just click on it and it takes you to the right page. It's also nice to be able to search all of the reference items quickly.


              I like the Web Library 1,000 times better for many reasons- the ability to search by keyword, the additional publications and resources available, the ability to quickly print or PDF specific sections, the fact that it's constantly updated, saving searches. Yeah, I find it to be a very good value compared to the physical books. Of course, I must disclose, I'm extremely partial to digital as opposed to traditional publications, so take my bias into account...

