Pensacola, Fla a year ago they got hit. My client made USA Today, AOL and the Aug, 05 National Geographic-that is his pick-up truck in his swimming pool. We have already booked the loss and carried it back so that is not a question-the loss was basicly the non listed property. The lawsuit for recovery of insurance was based on the numbers supplied by the attorneys hired for the class action suit-which should be settled he thinks in another two to three years. The attorneys have hired tax experts to talk to all who are part of the suit and they have explained some facts that may impact my client.. Help needed on the following:
1. He lived in the house for November '03 to the hurricane in Sept "04.
He sold his MN residence in '03. He has been told he quailfies to take
the sales of residence under Sec 121-becaused of the disaster-is an
2. He has already purchased another house in Pensacola, because to
rebuild is going to take two to three years to get a contractor. His current
house has increased in value big time also.
He can sell the lot (#1-house is gone) for about $650,000. He hopes to evenutally get about $350,000 for insurance reimbursement on the house. He paid $375,000 for it. Does it qualify for special disaster? What is his basis for computing the gain for 121.
The client may have had selective listening, but he thinks the provision for 121 on #1 does not restart the two years for House #2. Why is that important-he would like to sell #2 as soon as possible and get out of Fla-getting the $500,000 twice if needed???
Lot out Snagle he is thinking about TN. No income taxes and hurricanes-right.
Thank you for any help.
1. He lived in the house for November '03 to the hurricane in Sept "04.
He sold his MN residence in '03. He has been told he quailfies to take
the sales of residence under Sec 121-becaused of the disaster-is an
2. He has already purchased another house in Pensacola, because to
rebuild is going to take two to three years to get a contractor. His current
house has increased in value big time also.
He can sell the lot (#1-house is gone) for about $650,000. He hopes to evenutally get about $350,000 for insurance reimbursement on the house. He paid $375,000 for it. Does it qualify for special disaster? What is his basis for computing the gain for 121.
The client may have had selective listening, but he thinks the provision for 121 on #1 does not restart the two years for House #2. Why is that important-he would like to sell #2 as soon as possible and get out of Fla-getting the $500,000 twice if needed???
Lot out Snagle he is thinking about TN. No income taxes and hurricanes-right.
Thank you for any help.